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Why Isn't My Social Media Strategy Successful?

Written by Kristina Chester | Wed, Nov 06, 2013 @ 07:30 PM

Social media is one of the most unpredictable marketing channels in the industry, however, it is still one of the most powerful tools in any marketers' arsenal. Social media is easily the hottest way businesses are reaching out to potential customers, and when properly executed a social media marketing campaign can bring traffic to your website and generate new leads for your business. It is also a great way to connect with prospective buyers on an almost unlimited network. Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, the list of options goes on and on, and with each network, your chances of connecting with clients increases.

Implementing a social media strategy isn't always as easy as it sounds, and the upkeep can sometimes take more time than you have to offer. If your social media plan isn't as successful as you want it to be, you may want to reevaluate your plan of attack. To help you avoid some common mistakes on social media, we've put together a list revealing some of the reasons why your social media efforts might not be working.

5 reasons why your social media isn't working.


1) The same piece of content isn't successful on every platform.

Even the best marketers know that each network requires a different approach. Content that you publish to Facebook might not work as well on Twitter, just like videos you post on YouTube may not gain traction on LinkedIn or Pinterest. What you need to do is research what you need to fulfill the best recipe for each social platform you are a part of. Test out a few pieces on content on various networks and see what kinds of responses you get in return. If you can provide engaging content to the right audience, on the right platform, at the right time, you will be able to see your social media efforts increase.

2) You've assumed your audience is all the same.

Although i'm sure by this point you should have an insight into your target audience, or buyer persona, you have to understand that social media isn't just about marketing to the majority. Each interaction should be treated as a one-on-one conversation in order to nurture a real relationship with any prospective clients. If you are having trouble keeping up with the volume of followers or interactions, social media software, (like HubSpot) can make monitoring your efforts much easier. It can also help you organize conversations, leads, and customers within your social media community. 

3) Your timing isn't quite right.

I'm sure you've heard that time-old saying timing is everything, well it's true, even for social media. Your audience will have certain times that they are active and times that they are not, mostly because they incorporate social media into their daily routine. Trying to pin point when your particular targeted audience is most active is important.  If you are having difficulties researching on your own when you should be active, seek professional help. There are plenty of services out their that can help you better understand your buyer persona!

4) You don't create original content.

I cannot stress the importance of creating your own original content. Original content is your biggest must in the marketing world. Although sharing relevant media and content is important as well, you don't just want to share all the things when none of them are your own. Remember your audience will engage with the content you share, but you can't expect them to engage with you if none of the content you are pushing out is your own. Try monitoring the types of content your audience really responds to and tailor an original piece in the same theme or style. 

5) You've underestimated design and visual content.

All social media networks seem to be moving in the direction of visual content. Look at the booming success of platforms like Pinterest, Vine, and Instagram just to name a few. Adding video, pictures, infographics, memes, or any other type of visual content may help you generate more leads over plain text.

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