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Constructing A Memorable Logo: A Recipe For Success

Written by Kelsey Ringuette | Fri, Mar 25, 2016 @ 07:24 PM

Close your eyes and imagine three logos. More than likely, that was an easy task and may not even be brands that you regularly purchase from. However, they are popular for a reason and were designed to be remembered. So how do you construct a memorable logo? This article discusses tips to ensure a successful design that people can't help but remember.


Start By Examining Your Target Audience

Your logo should appeal to the audience that you are specifically trying to target. As you start to think of design and colors, make sure to first  dive deep into the minds of who you will be mostly selling your products and services to. Here are a few questions you should answer to help you get to know your targeted audience better: 

  • Is my audience male or female?
  • What is the targeted age range? (Be specific)
  • What is the level of education?
  • What are their hobbies? 
  • What are their likes and dislikes? 

Answering these questions will help you dig deeper in to the mind of your buyer persona so you can better understand how to appeal to their wants and needs. Your logo will be what people remember you by and an image in their mind that helps them decide whether you are brand they can trust or not. 

Use Your Design To Reinforce Your Brand

Your design should be consistent with the tone of your brand. For example,  Apple's logo depicts the image of a black apple on a white background. There are not any complicated lines or colors that overwhelm the eye. Their logo represents knowledge and depicts that with a sophisticated and bold design. According to CompanyFolders infographic, you can utilize several tactics that express your brand the most efficiently such as: 

  • The correct balance of white space.
  • Utilizing shape psychology. 
  • Using the appropriate fonts to convey the right emotions.
  • Leverage your negative space.
  • Use color to reinforce your message. 

Create And Test A Unique But Simple Design

Craft a few designs before coming up with the final decision. By creating several unique designs, you are maximizing your options to be able to test out the most effective styles and colors. It's vital to have a unique logo so when people think of your products they have the right brand in mind instead of getting confused with something else. Your logo should be unique but not too intricate. By having a simple yet creative design, you get a memorable logo that is easy to remember. The logo should display a message that quickly creates a reaction in the viewer that peaks their curiosity and interest. Test out your mock logos with people in your target audience by sending out emails to existing customers if you are redesigning or by hosting a focus group for new businesses. Testing out your logo will help you better understand how people will respond to your logo and then decide what steps to take next. 

Ensure A Versatile Design

Your design should be easily recognizable no matter the size, color or where it is displayed. According to 1stwebdesigner, If your logo is such that it looks great on posters, but horrible on coffee mugs, it will never achieve popularity. Further more, if your logo is a slave to a color scheme, it cannot be called a good logo either — what this means is that a logo should look good even if it is displayed in black and white, or a set of colors that are not part of the original or actual design. You need to think of your logo as a living organism that grows as your business grows. People more and more will start to recognize your symbol and it's important that it can adapt to several elements to appeal to as many different people as possible. 

End With Telling A Story

Every logo should have a story to tell. Just crafting colors and shapes together will not provide you with an effective and appealing logo. Your logo should display a deeper meaning into your brand identity. Who are you, not just as a business but as brand people can trust? Where did it all begin and how can you benefit the consumer more than other brands? It's surprising to think that a logo could provide this much information but that's the whole purpose of symbolizing a brand. The logo is a symbol that helps you stand out from a large crowd that also offers similar products and services. Your story is unique and your logo should be too. 

Your logo is just one element to help appeal to larger audiences and stand out from the crowd. Download the guide below for a free strategy session to turn your website into a lead generating machine.