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How To Craft The Perfect Business Blog Posts

Written by Kelsey Ringuette | Thu, Feb 25, 2016 @ 05:00 PM

Crafting a business blog is important to gain loyal customers and grow your business. You should aim to entertain and inform the reader to help answer their questions about specific topics related to your industry. This article discusses how to craft the perfect business blog to generate more leads and boost online sales. 

Choose An Interesting Topic Related To Your Industry

First, you need to think of a topic that is creative and informative. Make sure the subject you choose is one that people will be interested in as well as solving a common problem people have. This subject should be related to your industry rather than your business, so as to give useful information and not just try and make a sale. If your blog sounds like a sales pitch, people will not continue to read and will go to a more reliable source. Ideally, you want people to search up a topic online, find your blog and get the answers to their issues by the content you have provided. This will lead people to trust in your services and take further action. Be sure to stick with one topic for each post. That way you can be as specific as possible with the most accurate information without  confusing the reader. One topic per post will also attract the right buyer personas for the most appropriate blog posts. Overall your topic should aim to attract, inform and retain the reader to generate more leads. 

Do Extensive Research

Research is important to ensure you are providing people with the most factual and accurate information. The more information you can provide, the more people will trust your business and view you as a reliable source. A business who knows so much about the industry must be able to provide the best products and services. The online world allows for people to do their own research and if they can find a source that provides all the information they need in one spot, they'll continue to use that business. This is what you should seek when crafting a blog. Aim to inform, and in turn, your business will develop and grow. 

Optimize The Post

Your topic and content is important to inform and intrigue but you also need people to find your blogs in the first place. Optimize the post by adding effective keywords that people use in search engines to look up specific topics. Make sure you add keywords related to the topic and only sprinkle them in. Too many keywords can look like spam and actually penalize you on search engine rankings.

You can further optimize your website by adding an image to the blog post. An image provides a visual appeal that catches the eye and gives the opportunity to add keywords to the image's alt-text. Optimization is necessary to generate more traffic to your posts, increase leads and produce more sales. 

End With An Offer/Call To Action 

If people enjoy the information you have provided, they will want to take further action. However, if there is nothing easily accessible to do so, they'll just go to someone else who provides the same products and services. End the blog with an offer or a call to action to lead prospects to more information. This allows people to take action to further pursue your website to ultimately lead them to a sale. Include educational offers like eBooks, guides or other relevant blog posts that help your visitors gain valuable insights while also allowing you to convert them into leads. 

Analyze The Results

Promote your blog posts on social media to help spread awareness of your blogs. Measuring and analyzing your blog post performance is an important component to improve visibility. This allows you to see which post are performing well by the number of views and clicks to CTAs. If a blog is not performing as well as another, you can try fixing the title or adding more efficient keywords. This will help you learn how to improve your blogs and figure out which posts are the most effective. 

Check out the cheat sheet below, to better understand the fundamentals of business blogging.