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5 Tips To Increase Lead Conversion Rates

Written by Kelsey Ringuette | Thu, Nov 05, 2015 @ 05:48 PM

Conversion rates are the act of converting site visitors into paying customers. The best way to increase conversion rates are to build trust with your customers and to keep that trust with great content, a powerful message, testimonials and contact information. Trust takes time and your customers will appreciate your dedication. 

Credibility | Take Time To Get To Know Prospects

Credibility is formed when trust is built between you and the customer. That trust is built when the customer feels you have provided them with quality information, products and services. Conversion rates will increase if you take the time to get to know prospects and customers as well continue to provide excellent quality. Trying to take short cuts and putting anything on your website will make you look like a scam and people are going to move on to a business that is more trustworthy. Research and dedication to your customer will produce strong credibility and in turn, create loyal customers that will increase conversion rates. 


Testimonials are another great way to improve credibility. People can hear about your products and services by other people who feel you have provided them with quality service. Adding social proof, via customer testimonials and case studies to your website virtually always increases conversions. Simply put, people want to get the best service and with so many businesses that claim to give that but don't, it's difficult to for them to trust another business. If you focus on providing great service every time, those satisfied customers will provide you with testimonials and amazing reviews for prospects to see. 

Display Contact Information On Every Page

Your website should display your contact information on every page as well as having it's own  "contact us" page. The information does not have to be the center of focus but your website should be easy to navigate so prospects can get to know you and ask questions. Clearly display as much information for people to get to know you. Have your phone number, address, email, forms and maybe even a live chat section where they can get quick answers instead of waiting for someone to answer the phone. If people feel they can easily contact you and get the appropriate answers to their questions, conversion rates will increase. 

Powerful Message 

Your message should be the first thing people see when they visit your website. The message should make your site out and in a few words and describe what you do in a creative and informative way. Your brand will be represented through your message and content so it is important to make sure they are powerful and enticing. Draw people in and get them wanting to see everything else you offer and how it can benefit them. The message draws them in and the information and user-friendly website will be what keeps them interested. 

Advanced Content 

Sophisticated content that can effectively engage and inform readers will inevitably lead to a high level of credibility to increase conversion rates. Growing is all about the effort and time to create and build relationships with valuable customers. These customers want to know they can trust you and you know in depth about the topics and issues that surround a specific product or service. It will destroy your brand if you write content without proper research and exertion. This will make the brand look lazy and un-skilled in the topic at hand. Content is a strategic way to express passion and knowledge of your business while also spreading awareness through effective keywords for Search Engine Optimization. Blogging for businesses is a key component and should be taken seriously or prospects will not take you seriously. 

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