CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

What You Need For A Successful CT Inbound Marketing Campaign

Written by Kelsey Ringuette | Fri, Jan 22, 2016 @ 02:00 PM

Cold calling is a thing of the past and people now use the internet for their research and purchasing needs. Inbound marketing efforts help bring people to your website and in turn, will lead to more customers. As technology advances your business should to. This article discusses how to get started and prepare withy your inbound marketing needs. 

Have An Idea Of Inbound Needs 

Before your first initial meeting with your inbound marketing team, it's important to know what your trying to achieve. People usually go forward hoping someone will tell them what they need to boost online traffic. However, with several different elements available, it's important to know specifically what you need out of inbound marketing and which components you feel will suit you best. Giving the marketing team a taste of what your goals are will help them to better serve what components will best work for you. Here are some questions to ask yourself to help you better understand what you need out of inbound marketing:

  • Do I have an interactive website that appeals to my target audience? If not you should redesign your website for easier navigation and a more attractive design. 
  • Can people find me on search engines? You will need to boost your search engine optimization efforts to generate more traffic.
  • Do people follow me on social media? Social media is a necessity for a business and should be taken seriously to appeal to a mass audience. 
  • Do I have content that is creative and informative? Content is important to boost SEO efforts but also to inform prospects further about information related to your business. 
  • Do I have the time to constantly update my materials? It's important to keep up with relevant design such as mobile integration and continuing with ongoing SEO.

Provide Business Information 

You are an expert in your field and know everything about your products and services. Any information that you can pass along to your marketing team will help them to become more knowledgeable on your business, products and services as well as how to best represent your brand. The more information you provide, the better your marketing team can research your material and work towards providing you with your desired marketing needs. Providing detailed material will also allow for the process to move quicker because everyone will be up to date on what needs to be done. Your marketing team should also be able to provide material for you and explain what steps need to be taken to move forward. For example, if your CT inbound marketing company is providing your business with more content such as blogging or rewriting your landing pages, you'll need to give them access to edit your site and the what message you are trying to get across to the audience. 

Keep Up With Communication  

Constant communication is vital to ensure your marketing efforts are being done efficiently. It happens all too often that a project gets started and everything goes well but then suddenly communication ends and everything gets stalled or never finishes. A marketing team cannot move forward without permission so if communication is lost the project will never finish. Make sure you schedule times to call and plan out together the dates on which the tasks are estimated to be completed. Once that is mapped out, you'll have a better understanding on when to check in on the progress. Communication will also help to clear up any confusion along the way so everyone is on the same page throughout the entire process. 

What To Expect

Marketing takes time and is a long term investment that requires both parties to work together to ensure everything runs smoothly. Some projects take longer than others. Certain projects are finished after a specific date, like web design while others like social media and SEO, may be an ongoing project. After the project is finished it typically takes six to eight months to see significant results. Your marketing team should have means of measuring the progress and be able to provide where your traffic is coming from. This allows for you to see areas of improvement and if your marketing measures are achieving their goals. Integrate yourself in the project to make sure you know what you are receiving but be sure to loosen the reigns as well or the project time will not be done from what you truly want. You are a professional in your field and they are experts in their field. So it's important to be a part of the process without getting in the way of what they do best. 

Get started today bringing more people to your website with CT inbound marketing. Download the guide below to further learn each step of the process.