CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

Web Design Trends For A Successful New Year (Infographic)

Written by James Bye | Wed, Dec 07, 2016 @ 04:32 PM

Web design trends for a succcessful new year have made themselves known and it's time to implement them into your business marketing strategy. As 2017 will soon be upon us, the way in which users are consuming information online is constantly evolving. As web designers, it is our job to adapt to those changes and optimize our designs to create a fast, visually appealing, actionable user experience.

Now is the perfect time to look back on your marketing efforts that have taken place over the past 12 months. What has been successful? What let you down? Was your website involved in the proccess?  As said by Adobe, "Nearly 8 out of every 10 consumers would stop engaging with a piece of content if it didn’t display well on the device they were using." You could potentially miss out on 80% of your customers due to an outdated or non-existent site!

Satisfied with your web design? Here's some tips on implementing an Inbound Marketing strategy:

2017 Can Be Your Year!

2017 is just around the corner and it's time to make it your year! Below, you will find 2017 web design trends for a successful new year and beyond.

A time for simple navigation and responsive design as well as content optimized for search engines and entricing, full screen HD images. As web design trends continue to change throughout the year ahead, our team will be by your side you guide you through it all. Don't allow hesitation to put a damper on your business this new year! Let's talk about it!