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What Are The Three Top Benefits Of Redesigning A Website?

Written by Kelsey Ringuette | Wed, Sep 30, 2015 @ 05:30 PM

You have a website containing all of your information and creative images but somehow you are not getting positive responses when attempting to generate more traffic and increase sales. Why are people leaving your site without purchasing or poking around? The answer may be as simple as needing a new design for your website. An outdated website can drive potential new customers away because if your website is outdated, the searcher may think your company is too.  So, specifically, what are the benefits of redesigning a website

Improved User Satisfaction

This is going in the top because this is the main reason for a website redesign. The others that follow will be more factors to improve user satisfaction. That being said, you want the site's users to be happy because those users are who typically become buyers. A website that's too cluttered can make navigation a nightmare and most people will not dig around to have to find what you offer. Instead, they'll move on to the next seller who will most likely be your competitor, giving them all the sales and exposure. Simplicity is key for a website. Your website can still be creative and informative but if it's not user-friendly, then you'll lose customers.

Example 1: Too many links to different pages can confuse people. Links are a good quality to have on your site but too many can lose the user and confuse them on which page they shoud be looking at. 

Example 2: Your main message on the site can either make or break you. The first thing they see will be your message, so if it is unclear to them what your company does and how it can benefit them, they'll move on. 

Example 3: People want to know that you are a credible website, especially if they are going to put in their credit card information. So you need to have something that will reassure them you are good at what you do and you’re a real company. Always provide and "About Us" page but also provide your viewers with reviews and testimonials from other customers.  

More Exposure

The technological world is always updating and a website has to be able to function on all platforms. Mobile web search is becoming more popular than searching on a desktop computer. You are going to need a responsive website, which enables  your site to be automatically re-sized to fit different screens. These capabilities will expand your reach providing the ability to send your message to an endless amount of prospects. 

Example 1: People are always on the go. In a generation of savvy smart phone users, if your website doesn't have the capabilities on their pocket screen, then there is a good chance you are losing a huge percentage of people even knowing your company exists.

Example 2:  Having a website that multiple types of users can access will strengthen the chance of people spreading the word of your company. "Word of Mouth" is a strong advertising tool allwoing people to promote your company without even knowing it.  

Example 3:  Have informative content on your site but have fun and interesting information on related topics for your social media. This will help people to like and share your posts to other peeople, creating a bigger following and expanding your exposure. 

Faster Loading Time

Outdated sites are usually painfully slow. People want to get their information fast so they need to be able to go to your site without your information taking too long to load. An updated website should come with a newer and faster server that can hold more information and perform at a faster speed. 

Example 1: If you have a slow server, there can be occasions when people go to your site it will not fully upload photos, links, offers or even the content of that page. If you can't see the information, what would drive you to purchase? 

Example 2: An effective website should generally load in about 4 to 6 seconds.

Example 3: Third-party website plugins and widgets including website tracking and social media are the most common factors that affects website speed. Try to limit their use and only use the ones that are absolutely necessary.