CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

How Should I Show Off A New Website Design?

Written by James Bye | Thu, Mar 02, 2017 @ 03:13 PM

If your business or brand has recently gone through the process of implementing a new web design or website redesign, it's now your time to shine! Depending on the size of your design and the amount of planning and content creation that went into your project, this may be a long awaited day. Months of hard work deserves to be shown off and in this article, we'll provide you with 3 simple ways to show off your website redesign that will boost your traffic and help your business grow.

Not looking for web design help? You may find one of the blogs listed below helpful!

If you buy a new car and don't call your friends to take it for a joy ride, did you actually get a new car?  The same philosophy applies CT website redesign project. Except rather than making payments on your new car, your website can become a vehicle that makes payments to you. Try out these 3 ways to announce the launch of your new site!

1. E-Mail Marketing

These days, just about every person you know has an e-mail address. As a business owner or marketer, having a list of e-mail contacts  is a fundamental key to brand growth and consumer communication. 

Create an e-mail marketing campaign based around your pre-existing customer contacts list as well as your additional buyer personas and prospects allows you to easily announce your website launch to existing and potentially new customers and industry connections.

2. Video Walk Through

If you frequent our blog, you know how large of fans we've been of video recently! If it's your first time visiting, video marketing is the #1 content marketing strategy of 2017! If your going through a web design or website redesign, a video "walk through" or "explainer" video discussing your new site and all of it's features and problem solving capabilities!

Depending on the purpose your website holds, you may want to show off the new client portal, or simply show customers how to move items into their cart. Stick to short, to-the-point, shareable video content so your audience is more likely to stay engaged and pass it on!

3. Write A Blog!

Blogging for business is a powerful tool to grow your brand and audience near and far, both online and on paper.  Your blog posts may "live" on your website but that's not the only place for them to be found. Social media outlets, e-mail campaigns, landing pages and your various print materials all make great hosts to a blog article discussing your new website redesign!

CT Website Redesign | Simplify User Experience 

Now that your website redesign has been announced, it's important to guide and make it simple for users to navigate. Prior visitors may not be familiar with your new layout, and it's important for first time users to not feel confusion. If you have a large web layout with various plugins and new features you want to to have a dedicated, easy to find page on your site that lists FAQ's and quick navigation tips. A confident browser is much more likely to turn into a satisfied sale.