CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

6 Signs You’ve Outgrown Your CMS

Written by Liza Cormier | Fri, Mar 05, 2021 @ 05:23 PM

Managing digital data and documents is essential for all businesses, especially those on a larger scale. Overtime, cybersecurity threats can arise, and in order to mitigate risks, businesses need to centralize their content management systems (CMS). Teams will often wrestle with outdated technology, including CMS’s, which can heavily affect productivity. Here are 6 signs you might be one of these companies, and have likely outgrown your CMS.  

You’re Maintaining Multiple CMS’s  

The primary reason a business needs a CMS is to manage content, but once you require multiple, it can become difficult to manage that content. Having multiple CMS’s requires much more time and effort, and can make it challenging for teams to collaborate efficiently.  

Content Bottlenecks Hold Up Projects 

A bottleneck is a sign that your CMS is not efficient enough to maintain the content. This can cause problems with searching the database, and is the most common problem businesses face with their CMS. A content bottleneck can hold up projects for days, delaying new products from releasing and being behind on other important projects.  

There are Limitations on Creative Projects 

Creative and innovative projects require technology to be up to date and work efficiently. Working with an outdated CMS hinders digital experience, creativity, and workflow, making marketing and digital teams pick and choose how they can utilize the available resources. On the development side, digital teams have to keep everything live while trying to implement new designs and concepts. There may be ways around enhancing the CMS’s capabilities, however this just goes to show that you’ve likely outgrown your CMS and it simply needs to be upgraded.  

Your Production is Slow 

Outdated CMS’s will lead to more time spent on research and plugins instead of writing clean code. Since developers have not written the code themselves, troubleshooting can be challenging and take days, even weeks to find bugs. Using plugins provide you with some functionality, but there is a limit to what they can do. These bugs and patch upgrades are not cost effective, nor productive.  

You Don’t Have the Storage to Scale or Grow 

Growth is the goal for many businesses, growth can't happen though if the company’s technology can't stack up with the changes and upgrades. Storage is the biggest concern when it comes to technology, and new data is added every day to the company’s portfolio. As more data comes in, a CMS will become less stable, especially if it’s already outdated. This creates the risk of things breaking and content bottlenecks. If you’re planning on growing, make sure your CMS can grow with you. 

Information is Hard to Find 

These days companies have terabytes of digital data. Without a CMS, or an updated one, searching through the database is inefficient. Searching for important information will be like finding a needle in an information haystack, and worse, employees might not even know where to start searching.  

Businesses with lots of data need to keep things organized. Luckily, there are solutions, but these common signs indicate that you probably need a better CMS.  

 ImageWorks, LLC 

If you’re having trouble with your CMS, we can help you find a solution. Here at ImageWorks, we specialize in both responsive web design and inbound marketing, so you can merge your design and marketing goals together to create an appealing website that effectively draws in traffic, converts leads into customers, and makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for.