CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

A Thanksgiving Feast of Inbound Marketing Knowledge (Infographic)

Written by James Bye | Tue, Nov 22, 2016 @ 07:00 PM

Hold onto those Thanksgiving feast appetites for just 1 more day. The Inbound Marketing knowledge you've been searching for is here for your consumption! For years, companies have been using print ads, direct mailers, directory listings, billboards and other forms of Outbound Marketing as their main source of advertising. As a business owner or employee at any level, it's important to always keep the thought, "what else could we be doing to further grow our business?" on your mind. As the holidays fall upon us, if you're getting ready to head into the new year using the same old marketing approach you've been using for years, we promise the following information can benefit you!

What Is Inbound Marketing?

Inbound Marketing is the method of attracting new leads and customers organically. The focus is based on creating high level, engaging content that attracts users into your sales funnel when they actually WANT to be there. No more cold calling, spam e-mails, or wasted money on print campaigns that overwhelm potential prospects that are not ready to invest in your product or service. Before you fill up on turkey, stuffing, pies and holiday favorites, fuel up with this Thanksgiving Feast of Inbound Marketing knowledge the info graphic below has to offer.

                                                                                                    Source: Garrison Everest

Is Inbound Marketing Right For My Business? 

"By aligning the content you publish with your customer’s interests, you naturally attract inbound traffic that you can then convert, close, and delight over time." (HubSpot) To break the Inbound concept down in it's simplest form; there are two types of friendships. One friend (Outbound) you're forced to talk to from time to time because they are constantly on your case and blind to the fact that other things do actually take place in your day to day life. You're other, much cooler friend (Inbound), occasionally reaches out to see how your doing, and you're able to go some time without talking yet when you re-connect, things will be better than ever before! Inbound is the friend that never stops supporting you, even when your focus is somewhere else.

ImageWorks,LLC | CT Inbound Marketing Knowledge

As a leading CT Inbound Marketing Firm, ImageWorks uses state of the art techniques and is focused on the success of your business. We work with you to improve your current marketing plan, overcome your challenges, achieve your goals, and meet deadlines. By creating content specifically designed to appeal to your dream customers, inbound attracts qualified prospects to your business and keeps them coming back for more. Whether you're a start-up, thriving business, or feeling a little bit stuck, our team is  eager to make all goals attainable.