CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

It Ain't the Technology, It's Your Experience.

Written by Jeffrey Cohen | Fri, Aug 06, 2010 @ 11:28 AM
Technology is cheap. Very cheap. Compared to a few years ago, the cost of computers, cell phones, software, and yes, even the cost of a Web site has come down remarkably. And why not? Labor is plentiful, economy of scale is hard at work, and most importantly, we've done it before. We're now just re-purposing the same technology over and over. So with so much around and people just begging to help, why are so many Web sites failing in delivering the Holy Grail of marketing?

Among the many reasons of course are the usual suspects. Unrealistic expectations, micro-management by the IT folks instead of the marketing team, and poorly built websites that will never be indexed well by search engines are just a few reasons that come to mind. But the really big offender? The one that insures underwhelming results almost every time?

It's the inability of those involved to resist the temptation to have the Web site drive the business. You need to have the business experience dictate how the Web site should be designed. And I don't just mean graphically. I know that everyone has a friend or cousin or sisters-neighbors-cousins-nephew who is a web-designer. But ask yourself, "What is the REAL business experience that little Johnny, graphically talented though he may be, ACTUALLY brings to the table?" Will he understand the nuances of a wholesale business that is using a Web site to go direct to consumers for the first time in the 100 year history of the company? I think you all see where this is going.

Now get back to work, and this time, have the dog wag the tail.

Jeffrey Cohen is the director of New Business Development at ImageWorks, LLC in Vernon, CT. ImageWorks has been providing state of the art web development solutions for 10 years. ImageWorks can provide web solutions for both large and small companies. Visit our portfolio on our website. For maximum ROI with your web design, development, hosting or internet marketing needs including myspace design, on-line marketing, Social Media and Blog design, or for help with web issues, contact Jeffrey at JCohen@imageworksllc.com.