CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

Your Place in the Universe

Written by Jeffrey Cohen | Fri, May 14, 2010 @ 05:48 AM
OK, Ok, I know I preach a lot about continuity in blog posts, and how you should stick to a central theme when blogging, but every once in a while, there need to be exceptions. And today's exception is breathtaking. Here's Hubble, looking at nothing. http://www.flixxy.com/hubble-ultra-deep-field-3d.htm


Jeffrey Cohen is the director of New Business Development at ImageWorks, LLC in Vernon, CT. ImageWorks has been providing state of the art web development solutions for 10 years. ImageWorks can provide web solutions for both large and small companies. Visit our portfolio on our website. For maximum ROI with your web design, development, hosting or internet marketing needs including myspace design, on-line marketing, Social Media and Blog design, or for help with web issues, contact Jeffrey at JCohen@imageworksllc.com.