CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

Ten Things to Ask BEFORE you build your website.

Written by Jeffrey Cohen | Tue, Feb 16, 2010 @ 08:20 AM
Many clients come to us for help in re-designing their Web site. Typically, the conversation starts with the client asking us questions. In response, I hand them a sheet with questions that are best answered before they start peppering us with questions that are, in some cases, not relevant. This list of questions is a fantastic guide to help people get back on track with their web development projects.

1) What is the goal of the site? If it's to support your product or service, great. Then let's make the documentation front and center, and easy to find. If it's to make the phone ring, then lets make sure the phone number is big and bright and well placed.

2) How will you measure success? Is it number of visitors? Is it spreading your message? Or, is it having the right kind of person pick up the phone and call you?

3) How many people on your team have to be involved? At what level?

4) Who will be writing the content? And, what will the content say about you? this relates directly back to item number 1 on this list. Are you trying to close sales? Are you telling a story?

5) Are you earning permission to follow up? Allowing appropriate people to opt in is a very powerful tool for gaining permission to "touch" you clients.

6) How will people find your site? Google? From your URL printed on Billboards? Does showing up in the search engines matter? What about Viral Marketing?

7) Who needs to update this site? How often? Do your news and sections need frequent updating? Will your developer support ongoing maintenance, or supply you a toolset to update your content, or both?

8) How are you integrating your other marketing efforts with your Web site? Do you have coupons that are emailed out that can be redeemed in your online store? Can people request coupons from your site that can be used in your brick and mortar establishment?

9) How often will you overhaul your site? What are the dollar and time constraints on the project?

And finally, my personal favirite:

10) Do your team members understand that 'everything' is not an option?


Jeffrey Cohen is the director of New Business Development at ImageWorks, LLC in Vernon, CT. ImageWorks has been providing state of the art web development solutions for 10 years. ImageWorks can provide web solutions for both large and small companies. Visit our portfolio on our website. For maximum ROI with your web design, development, hosting or internet marketing needs including myspace design, on-line marketing, Social Media and Blog design, or for help with web issues, contact Jeffrey at JCohen@imageworksllc.com.