CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

How can you become a better client?

Written by Jeffrey Cohen | Wed, Feb 03, 2010 @ 05:49 AM
Many of our clients approach us for guidance, and often we find that some of what they are looking for us to provide is really something they should be providing to us. As they say, "Failing to plan is planning to fail." So then, what can you do to become a better client to your creative service vendors?

Have realistic expectations, and know your limits (resources such as time, money, etc.,) before beginning the project.

Simplify the problem!

Don't be afraid of paying for the work. Friends and family typically can only take you so far.

Stay away from glitz for glitz's sake. It may look pretty, but often stifles functionality.


Jeffrey Cohen is the director of New Business Development at ImageWorks, LLC in Vernon, CT. ImageWorks has been providing state of the art web development solutions for 10 years. ImageWorks can provide web solutions for both large and small companies. Visit our portfolio on our website. For maximum ROI with your web design, development, hosting or internet marketing needs including myspace design, on-line marketing, Social Media and Blog design, or for help with web issues, contact Jeffrey at JCohen@imageworksllc.com.