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Is Your Website Ready For Inbound Marketing?

Written by Jeffrey Cohen | Fri, Dec 05, 2014 @ 09:00 PM

Inbound websites should be structured based on a few principles. You want your website to engage with users like the kind of engagement they would have if they set their foot into your store. You want to address their interests, their pain points, and provide them with ideas and solutions. Your website needs to take visitors through their own personal buyers journey.

If you are considering adopting an inbound marketing campaign, begin by asking these five questions:

Does Your Site Have a Blog?

If you want to become successful at inbound marketing, your website absolutely must have a blog. After you create a blog, you need to publish quality, engaging, and valuable content on a consistent basis. Tailor your content to the needs and wants of your target audience, which will not only please your visitors, but will make Google happy aw well. Extra tip: after you publish blog posts, make sure you share them via social media channels to generate more exposure.

Have You Optimized Your Home Page?

When people search for your business on Google, the homepage is likely the first page they will see. Therefore, your homepage should be designed in a way that allows visitors to soak in what your business is all about, while also containing clear and obvious calls to action so visitors can take the next step in their buyers’ journey. Remember, it is imperative for visitors to learn more about your products and services and how to contact you.

Does Your Site Have a Content Management System?

This step is really important: Is your website on a content management system that is easy to manage and measure results? Are you confused about what exactly “manage” entails? Well, typically it refers to the ability to make website edits, image changes; to create new pages and blog posts. “Measurement” often refers to traffic sources, leads, customers, conversion rates, click through rates, email opens etc. The measuring aspect is absolutely essential.

It is difficult to run an Inbound campaign without measuring data, making comparisons, drawing conclusions and making changes. It helps to implement a CMS that collects this data for you. Hubspot is the go-to inbound marketing platform. If you can manage to get your website on their CMS you will be all ready to go!

Can You Edit The On Page SEO?

Make sure that no matter what CMS you decide to implement, you have access to edit the page description, page title, and meta tags at the very least. There are many others, but these are a few of the most important pieces to be able to update. Also, it is very beneficial to be able to adjust the heading tags of content on your web pages.

These include the H1-H6 tags, and sometime p tags, denoting the hierarchy of important of written content on the website. Having the ability to change these will improve the semantic nature of your website, which Google has become increasing responsive to in recent years.  

Do You Use Call-To-Actions In Logical Places?

Calls-to-action are an important element of lead generation, and you should use one of in each of your marketing tactics. Your website should utilize calls to actions as the user navigates throughout the website. While some calls-to-action will be built in to the design of the sight, there are many CTAs that should be designed with an eye for the future.

 ImageWorks, LLC

ImageWorks, LLC provides several inbound marketing services that can help you attract new leads and sell a higher number of your products and services. Contact us to receive a free assessment and get more information about how we can help improve your marketing and help you reach your target audience.