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Do's and Don'ts of Social Media Marketing

Written by Liza Cormier | Tue, Mar 10, 2020 @ 02:08 PM

When branding through social media marketing, you want the message of your company to transcend through your content. When done correctly, using online platforms can help you reach your audience better and more personally, and increase your brand engagement as well.

Understanding what your customers are looking for can help you gauge what kind of content you need to share for your brand, and there’s many different outlets you can take. Let’s look at some of the best social media marketing practices, and some that might hurt you more than help you.

Do: Create A Complete Business Profile

First impressions are just as important online as they are in-person. Remember that your business page is different than your personal page, your content is your selling point. You want your profiles to engage your followers, so make sure your accounts are fully designed with the necessary information before trying to attract your audience. You want your profile to have specific links back to your website as well. Having a clever bio, profile picture, and all essential contact info can aid in helping your page get seen.

Don’t: Ignore Your Accounts

Leaving your page underdeveloped will not bring any attention to your brand, and ignoring it can harm your reputation. Use what platforms you have a good grasp on and know how to navigate, one or two stronger functioning pages is better than having multiple you can’t handle.

If you’re not sure how many times you should be posting, try 3-5 times a week. This will keep your page up to date and provide your followers with content they can engage with. If you think it’s not enough or too much, determine how many people are actually interacting with your posts, so you can gauge what’s best for your page.

Do: Be social

Social media is meant for being social, people want to keep up with their followers and find new and engaging content. Make sure you’re interacting with your audience; the goal is to make connections and promote your brand while being personable. Another reason you don’t want to ignore your accounts is because it is a business page. People who are interested are going to have questions, and by not responding they could feel ignored or lose interest. Responding lets them know you care about helping clients and promotes a positive relationship.

Don’t: Only Post Advertisements or Promotions

Of course, if you have a business page, you want some of your content to sell your brand. promotions shape online marketing, and you can reach new customers and bring awareness to your page in doing so. If all your posting is ad-related content, people are going to become uninterested or feel you are throwing your brand at them, loosing that personal relationship. There’s a time and place for promotions, so be cautions when creating ad-content that you’re being conscious of your followers.

Do: Post Various Types of Content

There are so many different ideas for content on social media platforms this year. Posting the same thing can get redundant, and make your page less interesting to your followers. If you’re struggling to create interesting content, start by formulating the message you want to post. Make sure it’s on brand with your business, then figure out what form of media you want it to be. It’s important to keep up with current digital marketing trends, because they can help shape your content to be engaging for your followers. There’s live streaming and videos, pictures and interactive polls and surveys. “Going live” is actually a great way to do promotions as well because you can share information and answer questions while doing so.