A bounce rate is the percentage of your customers that leave your website after visiting only one page. The bounce rate can be interpreted in two ways, that the wrong customers are visiting your website or the customers you are targeting are quickly finding the information they seek. But if your bounce rate is high and you are not receiving a lot of leads then here are five tips that can lower your websites bounce rate.
One of the main reasons that viewers leave your website quickly is because they cannot find the answer to their question. When writing content you need to grab your viewer’s attention and guide them to your websites key points. This will encourage these viewers to look through more pages. If a viewer is interested in your content then they will likely return and possibly turn into a customer.
I simple fix to having a high bounce rate is to use social media. Many viewers will look at your social media site before they view your website. If you provide some good information about your products or services and a link to your site this will incline more visits and longer length of stay.
If your website does not have a responsive design then it will be difficult to view on mobile devices. Not having a mobile friendly site will raise your bounce rate. This can drastically affect the amount of potential customers you gain from your website.
An excessive amount of popups on your website can result in a rise in bounce rate. Popups are annoying and can become frustrating to your websites viewers. Also these popup advertisements can deter viewers from returning to your site further concentrating your bounce rate.
By segmenting your content when appropriate you can help make concise and informative points that keep your viewers engaged. By using bullet points to spread your content rather then one long paragraph. Also using yourcompany colors to help split up different aspects of your website.