Web Traffic is like to ocean it raises and falls quite frequently, sometimes more than others. What really matters is not the amount of traffic that you are receiving but the quality of it. So if your web traffic is going down here are a few things you should be paying attention to before you freak out.
Stephen Pace
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What Are The Main Reasons For Low Website Traffic?
Topics: website traffic
Why Does My CT Website Need To Be Mobile Friendly?
A Mobile friendly website is one that automatically adjusts its modals to fit different sized screens on different sized devices. In the past decade we have experienced a massive boost in technology, especially with the creation of smartphones, tablets, and wearable devices. According Peter Roesler’s citation of comScore “ Smartphones account for 20 percent of all search activity, and tablets make up another 9 percent.” (Source) So making your website mobile friendly is becoming increasingly important. Converting your CT website to be mobile friendly is low in cost, helps increase traffic, and helps preserve market share.
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How To Make Your Business A Social Media Sensation
Can I make my business a social media sensation? No, that could never happen! Well a business can become very popular on social media in many different ways. Social Media offers your business different channels to promote your products, business, events, and even the culture inside your company. But conducting social media right takes a bit of knowledge to help you gain the most attraction.
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Which Website Design Features Attract The Most Traffic?
Every website is different because every business is different, so figuring out what website will work best for you takes a strategic plan. But without frequent website traffic it is useless to you. So you may ask “Which Website Design Features Attract The Most Traffic?”
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10 Quick Tips For Improving Your Website's SEO Strategy
1. Strong Content
Creating strong keyword rich content is one of the absolute best ways to boost your SEO. Writing concise paragraphs that flow well and make strong points is better then long articles. Articles online, unlike your high school reports, should be kept short and to the point so that you do not bore your readers.
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How Do I Start A Successful E-Commerce Website?
If you want to start an E-commerce it is a huge commitment of time and money but can end up making your business much more successful. Many companies run an exclusive E-commerce business like Amazon or eBay and others have one to complement their stores like L.L.Bean or Macy’s. There is a huge difference between having an E-commerce website and having a successful one. Here are a few things to pay attention to that will make your make E-commerce website stand out from the rest.
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It is a very common occurrence that websites traffic will drop in the summer time for many different reasons. All websites will experience a bit of a drop in traffic during the summer because they want to enjoy the weather while they can. Since the weather is so nice viewers are no longer spending time inside surfing the web but enjoying the heat and outdoors as much as possible. So with the drop in traffic this gives you the opportunity to make the rest of your year more affective.
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A bounce rate is the percentage of your customers that leave your website after visiting only one page. The bounce rate can be interpreted in two ways, that the wrong customers are visiting your website or the customers you are targeting are quickly finding the information they seek. But if your bounce rate is high and you are not receiving a lot of leads then here are five tips that can lower your websites bounce rate.
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SEO is a science that requires consistent research and practice. Since technology is changing everyday it is important to keep up with new trends and keywords. By using SEO tips and trying to make your website as complete as possible you can gain a lot of customers and attention.
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