CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

How to Optimize Your Site for Google’s Rich Answer Box

Written by Catherine Hatch | Tue, Feb 06, 2018 @ 03:23 PM

Google is constantly changing its site, and marketers must keep up with these changes in order to keep websites relevant. One of the newer changes Google has made to its site is its rich answer box. Rich answers greatly improve the Google user’s experience and provide your website with a new chance for visibility on the first page of a Google search. Read below to learn how to properly optimize your website for Google’s rich answer box.

What are Rich Answers?

Google’s rich answer box is a relatively new feature that provides searchers with direct answers to their questions at the top of the search page. When a searcher types a question into the Google search bar, Google scans through its search results to find the closest answer to the question. When the search engine finds an answer to the question, it will feature a snippet of the website’s page at the very top of the search results page. In addition to the featured snippet, the rich answer box will provide a direct link to the page from which the answer came.

Why are Rich Answers Important?

The rich answer box is a valuable opportunity to increase the visibility of your website on Google. If your website can provide the answer to a question that a searcher asks, your site can automatically appear on the top of the first page of search results. Not only can rich answers help increase the visibility of your website on Google, but it can also increase traffic to your website because of the included link to your site. According to Google, rich answers receive 40-50% more clicks than the first search result, which used to be the link receiving the most clicks. Earning a spot in Google’s rich answer box can greatly improve traffic to your website.

How to Appear in the Rich Answer Box


Consider Common Industry Questions

One of the best ways to appear in the Google’s rich answer box is to answer common industry questions. Make a list of all of the questions that customers of your industry might ask. Then, create content that directly answers as many of these questions as possible. When possible, include the questions as well, such as in an FAQ section, to make it easier for Google to pick up on the answers to these questions. When you answer common industry questions on your website, your site will be more likely to appear in Google’s rich answer box when potential customers search for answers to their questions.

Notice Autofill Questions

When a searcher begins typing a question into the Google search bar, Google provides suggestions that will finish the question. These autofill suggestions are based on commonly searched terms. When deciding which questions to answer on your website, you should consider Google’s autofills, as they will give you a good idea of what people are searching for. The more common questions you answer on your website, the better your chances are of appearing in Google’s rich answer box.

Focus on Long Tail Keywords

Long tail keywords, or key phrases, will be an effective tool in helping your website appear in Google’s rich answer box. Because rich answers focus on searched questions rather than keywords, it’s important to place an emphasis on these longer phrases in order to yield results. Focus on long tail keywords that are question and answer oriented in order to improve your likelihood of appearing in Google’s rich answer box.

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