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How to Utilize Videos to Generate SEO Results

Written by Liza Cormier | Tue, Nov 10, 2020 @ 01:42 PM

If you’ve been searching for ways to up your marketing game, you might have heard about the spike in popularity of videos. Videos have quickly become the medium of choice online over the last few years, and for good reason. Videos aren’t just about entertainment, in fact many people turn to videos for educational purposes. If utilized correctly, adding videos to relevant pages on your site can engage viewers, and keep them on your site. Let’s go over why videos are so popular, and some of the ways brands can utilize videos to generate SEO results.

Why are Videos so Popular?

Videos have become so popular among consumers because they are accessible, easy to consume, and can portray a deeper emotional connection than other forms of content. Videos do a great job at explaining concepts and ideas very easily, and have been proven to produce higher click-through rates than plain text.

Videos for the purpose of content marketing is a great way to spread brand awareness about what products or services you are trying to sell. Short, informative clips are enticing to users, and video content usually gets more shares on social media platforms than text. No matter what services you provide, video content is a great way to share what your brand is all about.

How do Videos Help SEO?

Because videos are more immersive than text, people often spend more time watching them, which increases the time they spend on your site, and can lead to higher click-through rates and conversions. In addition, it’s been proven that well-optimized videos can increase your chances of ranking on Google’s first page, providing you with more exposure and a competitive edge.

Maximize Your SEO Efforts with Video

Every marketer knows the term ‘content is king’, but it’s important to follow a strategy based around your desired results when producing content. In other words, throwing a random video on your website isn’t going to bring you results. You’ll want put some thought into the message, and where it’s going to make the most sense on your site. The video should be placed strategically with a compelling image, as well as SEO text with valuable content to your site. Also, be careful not to make your videos too long, anything longer than 4 minutes and you could lose your audience’s attention. Lastly, be sure to share it on all your social media platforms for ultimate exposure.

Video Concepts for SEO Results

If you’ve never produced a video before as part of your marketing strategy, you might be wondering where to start. Here’s a few ideas to get you started with the creativity:

  • Demo of a new product
  • Answer questions customers commonly ask about your products or service
  • How-to video explaining how to use your products
  • Behind the scenes video of office activity or production

It might be worth your time to check and see what your competitors are doing as well. If you can see how your target audience reacts to other concepts, get creative and think of how to work a similar concept into your brand.

Final Thoughts

Treat your videos like your other content efforts, and have fun with it. There’s a reason people like videos so much, it distracts them from other things going on and can provide a meaningful and informative message. You’ll also want to ensure your video is mobile-friendly, as majority of people watch videos on their phones. Lastly, remember to optimize the title, description and tags as this tells Google how to categorize and prioritize your video.