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Tips for Getting more Website Traffic: Back to Basics

Written by Liza Cormier | Mon, May 04, 2020 @ 05:00 PM

The first step in any successful inbound strategy is to attract people to visit your site,  but actually putting it into practice can be hard. You're worried about lots of other things like getting bottom-line results or keeping up with the latest marketing trends, so it's easy to forget about that initial step. 

But it shouldn't be forgotten as part of your marketing strategy. The key to making it a priority is to stop believing that generating traffic is impossible. With a few tried-and true methods, it’s very obtainable, but it is important to remember that it can take some time before you start seeing results. To make sure you're in-the-know on these methods, here are some tips for how you can generate traffic to your website.

Optimize Your Website for "searchers."

Believe it or not, “search engine optimization” doesn’t actually mean you’re optimizing for search engines, it’s optimizing for the people using search engines. Search engines consider sites optimized for searchers to be fully optimized, as well. So by optimizing your website for the actual people coming to visit it, you’re killing two birds with one stone and simultaneously optimizing it for search engines, as well. So when you think about creating a website experience that will attract more visitors to your site, be sure you’re first thinking about the searchers themselves. What do they want to see? How can you best serve them? If you create a website optimized for searchers, search engines will follow.


Keywords are the reason anonymous searchers can get to your website. But in order for searchers to actually get to your site, they have to be interested in the content behind the search listing. The best way to know what those searchers want is to know your audience, and craft content around them, such as the problems they’re trying to solve or goals they’re trying to reach. This is because people are actively looking for solutions to those problems, and if your content contains those solutions, searchers will find and visit your site.

Blog Posts that Answer Questions

Blog can be one of the most powerful tools to get new visitors. Just as you should be optimizing your website pages around the keywords that your buyer personas are searching for, you should be doing the same thing with your blog posts. Your blogs should be relevant to questions your audience would be searching for, so when they type in keywords, your site appears for them. This will not only help to keep your website and business in mind next time that searcher is looking for help, but it also aids in building trust with potential buyers.

Answer Questions on Social Media Using Blog Content

You should regularly check social media accounts for opportunities where your industry knowledge can be of assistance. Reply to social media posts and queries, but go one step further and include relevant blog articles or website pages in those responses. That way, they not only get the help they were looking for, but you also get a new visitor to your website. As long as you're not just spamming people with links to your website and you're actually helping them, this can be a great tactic.