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Tips To Avoid Writing Bad Blogs

Written by Stephen Pace | Thu, Jul 23, 2015 @ 02:22 PM


There are millions of blogs on the Internet covering many different subjects but there are very few blogs with quality content. Writing a good blog that stands out enough to capture a viewer and keeps them interested is difficult. So before you start or continue writing a blog here are a few blog tips you should know to avoid.


If you want to start a blog whichever the subject may be do not rush your postings. It is very easy to become overwhelmed with other work, Emails, and doing research for your blogs. Take your time gathering, organizing, and writing your blogs so that they make sense and flow well. Also once you develop an audience it helps to promise either a blog a day or once a week so that you don’t have to rush and can put out well though out blogs. Also writing under stress usually results in bad blogs, so if you experience writers block taking a break or nap may help clear your mind.

Title Is Not Connected To Content

One very common mistake is your blogs title has little or nothing to do with the content. When you write your blog start with the title and focus points, then reassess if your title and content will be complimentary. Also by writing the beginning of each paragraph then referring back to your title you can help keep your thoughts in unison.

Don’t Push Too Hard

Many bloggers have sponsors that want them to talk about or review their products on their blogs. Pushing too hard for those sponsors can drive away customers or distract them from your blogs point. Also if your webpage is loaded with banners that are distracting from the blog then it may also drive away your customers. If you are sponsored or paid by a company to include their products in your post then don’t push too hard. Staying humble throughout your blog posts and not turning into a salesman will help those companies sell through you but will also help you maintain your blogs integrity.

Be Interesting

It’s a hard pill to swallow when your blogs audience is low because you are boring. Although you may have an interesting subject, if your delivery sucks it will cause your audience to lose interest. The best way to think about your blog is “Do I sound like a story or an instruction manual?” Your blog is an extension of yourself so be interesting, have fun, and create a personal connection with your audience.