CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

6 Website Mistakes That Drive Away Visitors

Written by Brandon Choquette | Tue, Dec 27, 2022 @ 03:26 PM

We all know a good web site when we see it, but what exactly makes a website's design "bad?" This post explores a few common web design mistakes to gain a better understanding of what to look for when seeking to create an excellent user-centered website. Designing a new website can be a complex process-- typically there are many ways to approach problems.

Labyrinth Navigation

 It should be near impossible for a visitor to get lost on your website-- make it simple for people to navigate your website. Consider how grocery stores label the isles-- it's informative and let's you know where you need to go-- now make sure that your website visitors get the same treatment. By the same merit, try to make sure that the menu is simple, you don't need to overwhelm a user-- unlike a grocery store a website visitor doesn't have to come back for sustenance.


It's difficult to engage users with a website that dismisses the power of social media-- make sure that your website includes social media logos either on the header or footer. Invite users to interact with your organization on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, YouTube, or even Instagram.  Ensure that social media logos are featured prominently so fans of your business know where to get the latest company information, news, and promotions. And don't forget to update these accounts regularly.

Cluttered Graphic Design

Disorderly design diminished the impact of your content and could very well annoy visitors enough that they navigate away from your site. The cleaner your website is, the easier for a visitor to understand its purpose and navigate the site. Plus, if the page contains too many gigabytes of design content, it will take longer to load and, as a result, may not work at all for people with slow internet connections or who are visiting via their phones or tablets.

Text Eyesores

Avoid these at all costs: fancy fonts, excessive use of bold and underlined text, and poor color choices. While it may seem simple to use a traditional dark color font on a light background, it works. It is important to keep this in mind: many of the visitors to your site have already spent some time staring at their screen, so you do not want to give them a headache with a pastiche of garish colors.

Letting The Dust Pile Up

Google is omnipresent-- the search engine's spiders will know when you haven't updated your website in months and Google is not afraid to penalize you by making it a chore to find your website in search results. Take time to consistently add to your website; construct new pages to focus on different keywords, maintain a regular blog page, and keep each page's information current for results.  Bring your website into the 21st century and invest in professional marketing services for the best online results.

Calls-To-Action Are Lacking Or Nonexistent

Surprisingly, people will typically do what you ask of them; for example, if you end a blog post with "Let us know your thoughts. Leave a message in the comments below." you will notice higher engagement rates than if you had ended the blog post without a CTA. Simple CTA's show readers that you value their opinion-- you can also offer something of value to the reader at the end of the post (like a downloadable eBook). Everyone wants to feel that they received something of value for time spent. When you're crafting your CTA phrase be sure that it directly engages the reader, challenging them to take action. Remember, if your content reads like a sales email or is too boring, it's a major turn off.

ImageWorks, LLC | CT Web Design

If you steer clear of these web design disasters, you will be able to create a fresh, user-friendly experience for your visitors. Using terse, readable content will give visitors an incentive to come back.

If you partner with a company like ImageWorks LLC that specializes in both responsive web design and inbound marketing, you can merge your design and marketing goals together to create an appealing website that effectively draws in website traffic, converts leads into customers, and makes it easy for users to find what they are looking for and communicate with your company.