CT Inbound Marketing Blog | ImageWorks, LLC

Why Engagement Matters on Your Facebook Posts

Written by Catherine Hatch | Tue, Mar 06, 2018 @ 08:15 PM

You’ve made a Facebook page for your business, it’s optimized, and you post regularly. Are these steps enough? Unfortunately, a great-looking Facebook page will be largely unsuccessful without engagement on your posts. Here are some of the reasons why engagement is very important to the success of any business’s Facebook page.


The most important reason to pay attention to engagement on your posts is that they will not be seen without it. Because of Facebook’s recent update, its algorithm makes it very difficult for an organic business post to be visible on followers’ news feeds. The only way that Facebook will make these posts visible is if they have significant engagement. Engagement does not simply mean likes, either. Your post must have comments and shares in order to earn visibility on your followers’ news feeds. Without engagement, no one will see your posts unless they go out of their way to visit your page.


Strong engagement on your Facebook posts is one of the best ways to maximize your reach. When your posts are engaging, people will share them with all of their followers and tag their friends in the comments. When people engage with your posts, you will reach a wider audience and attract new potential customers. Creating engaging posts is one of the best ways to ensure that your posts reach the highest number of people.


Another advantage of strong engagement on your Facebook posts is the promotion of trust in your brand. When new visitors see a lot of engagement on your posts, they will see your brand as a leader in the industry. Strong engagement indicates that you have customers that like and care about your brand. Brands without engagement on their posts appear less trustworthy and often suspicious. In order to promote trust in your brand to potential customers, you should create engaging posts.


Engaging posts will lead to an increased interest in your Facebook page. Interesting posts create the most engagement. When your followers realize that your posts are frequently engaging and therefore frequently interesting, they will be more likely to follow your page closely. Engaging posts will ensure that your followers want to read your new posts and will pay attention when you post. This interest in your brand will make it easy to post news and updates about your business that your customers will read.

How to Improve Engagement

If your Facebook page does not currently have engaging posts, you should rethink your posting strategy. Consider crafting posts in the form of a question, as it will prompt your followers to engage with it as they answer the question. Holding contests that involve sharing and commenting on your posts can help improve engagement was well. Be sure to respond to comments that people leave on your posts, as it will make your followers feel heard and encourage them to continue to engage with you. In general, you should post interesting or funny posts that people care about in order to improve engagement. For a detailed guide of creating engaging Facebook posts, click here.


ImageWorks, LLC | CT Social Media Marketing

Having trouble managing your social media? Wondering how to figure out proper posting techniques on your own? Don’t be afraid to call in the experts! Whether you are just getting started or have an engine in place that needs fine tuning, ImageWorks can help you join the Social Media wave to get yourself recognized and generate more business. Market yourself and your brand to the 100’s of millions of online interactive users.

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