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How Can I Improve Engagement on my Facebook Posts?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Mon, Sep 18, 2017 @ 03:36 PM

Your Facebook page can be a useful tool to promote your business. However, if your page does not receive engagement, it will not benefit your business. It’s essential to the success of your Facebook page to craft posts that will encourage as much engagement as possible. Here are some tips to help improve the engagement on your Facebook posts.


Create Shareable Content

One of the best ways to encourage engagement is to encourage sharing. When your posts are shared frequently, they will have a wider reach, increasing the chance for engagement. Posts that use humor or current events typically have high sharing rates. Educational posts that seek to provide information to the readers are shared frequently as well. Creating shareable content will extend the reach of each post, improving their engagement.

Ask Questions

The best way to spark dialogue on a post is to pose questions to your audience. Ask your followers what they think about a new product idea or a promotion. Ask for their opinions on ideas related to your business. Crowdsource for answers or new ideas and ask your readers for tips or advice. When you directly ask questions to your audience, they are more likely to comment in order to answer these questions.

Post at the Right Times

It’s important to post at the times when the most people are online in order to ensure that the most people view your posts. After work or while people are in transit are popular times to scroll through social media. You should monitor what times of day your posts get the most engagement to decide the most effective times of day to post. When you post at the most opportune times, you can ensure the most visibility, which will encourage more engagement.

Use Photos

Incorporating photos into your posts is a great way to encourage engagement. Photos stand out better on a person’s timeline than simple text posts. This additional attention encourages your followers to engage with your post more than they would a text post. Additionally, photos are much clearer and more easily digestible than text posts. In general, photo-based posts typically receive more engagement because they are quickly understood and digested.

Hold a Contest

Facebook contests are a great way to encourage engagement on posts. When you hold a contest, typically you offer a prize to one lucky winner who likes, comments, on, and/or shares your post. These posts typically receive strong engagement because they get people excited. In addition to encouraging engagement to win the contest, people are much more likely to repeatedly check your page to check if they’ve won, encouraging engagement on other posts.

Post at the Right Frequency

It’s important to post frequently enough that followers remain engaged and keep your brand in mind. However, posting too much can actually discourage people from engaging with your posts. When followers feel overloaded with information, they are more likely to breeze over all of your posts and not engage with any posts individually. You should focus on producing quality posts rather than a large quantity of posts.

Respond to Comments

When possible, respond to comments that followers write on your post. Thanking your followers for engaging with you and making them feel heard is a great way to encourage others to engage with your post. Additionally, when your followers feel special, they will be more likely to engage with future posts. When you respond to comments on your posts, you encourage further engagement on your posts.


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