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4 Ingredients For A Successful Blog Post

Posted by Courtney Luginbuhl on Wed, Mar 25, 2015 @ 02:37 PM

Blog IngredientsHave you ever made something then tasted it after and realized you used the wrong ingredients? Don’t make this mistake when writing a blog post. Make sure you use the right ingredients or else you will leave your readers with a bad taste in their mouth. Check out our four ingredients for a successful blog post!

Quality Content

Quality content offers something of value to your audience. It can be educational, entertaining or inspirational. What ever you choose make sure it has a purpose.

Creating quality content is easier when you know who you are creating content for. If you know your buyers personas and their needs then that should make it easier to create amazing content.

The biggest mistake writers make is aiming for quantity over quality. Don’t make this mistake; take the time to do your research and find out what your target audience wants to read about.


The number one rule of blogging is to make sure you are blogging on a regular basis. If you want to increase your blog traffic you have to give readers a reason to visit your site again. You cant blog for a week and then decide to take three weeks off. You have to remember that consistency will keep your readers coming back for more!

I know that consistently writing quality content isn’t as easy as it sounds. This is why it is important to make a plan that works for you and your schedule. Here are some tips you can use to blog more consistently.

How To Be More Consistent When Blogging

  • Make a blogging schedule and stick to it

  • Create a blog content plan

  • Make sure to utilize your writing skills every day

  • Set goals for yourself

  • Love what you are blogging about

  • Create a running list of blog topics


Long tail keywords are words that are longer and very specific and significant to what you do. They are important because they target more specific search queries, which are less competitive.

 The first step for successful key word planning is to do your research and identify what Long tail keywords you want to be found for. Look at all your content and pick out words that describe what you do. Google words to see what comes up and get ideas from the web. Also, keep in mind relevant words that you think people would search for to find you. This process will take time but it will be worth it when your traffic is up.

The next step would be to incorporate long tail keywords into every blog post that you write. Remember they have to be relevant and as specific as you can make them, so make sure to plan your blog posts accordingly. If you try your best to incorporate keywords in your blog posts you will see an increase in your traffic.


People are looking to get information FAST. Therefore, it is your job to format your blog posts in a way that makes absorbing information easy and fast. You will lose readers if you ignore this aspect of blogging. No one has time to sift through pages looking for the information that they need. Below are some tips to keep in mind when writing blog posts that are easy to scan.

10 Tips To Keep In Mind When Formatting Your Blog

  • Use Bold Font, Italics, CAPITAL LETTERS

  • Be organized  

  • Create poppy blog titles

  • Use short paragraphs

  • Use lists and bullet points

  • Break up large text

  • Make all titles and subtitles a larger font

  • Busy blogs are bad

  • Use FUN & RELEVANT photos

  • White space is good!

Try your best to utilize the four ingredients that we have provided you with. Our primary goal is to help you succeed. If you take our advice and follow the ingredients then your blogs should be a yummy success.

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Topics: blog post, blog content, blog, ingredients for a blog post, successful blog post, blogging, blog topic

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