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5 Quick Tips To Refresh or Repurpose Old Blog Content

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Mon, Nov 28, 2022 @ 01:04 PM

Fresh content is at the heart of your inbound marketing and SEO efforts. Posting new, fresh, and engaging content helps users to find you, spreads the word about your brand, and can get people interested in what you have to say and offer. Now imagine being expected to crank out new content day after day and month after month with no sign of respite!

Even for gifted writers, that sounds quite daunting. What's a writer to do? The answer is simple: repurpose your best blog material and turn it into fresh, new material that can bring in more traffic and higher conversion rates. This tactic only works if you do it well, so take heed. This blog offers five quick tips to help struggling content creators to refresh or repurpose old blog content.

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Topics: SEO, blog post, content, CT Inbound Marketing, website traffic, Google, eBook, conversion rates

What is a Content Audit?

Posted by Liza Cormier on Mon, Jul 13, 2020 @ 12:00 PM

All websites should have good content. So how do you know whether or not your content is good? A content audit can help you determine its performance and improve your website’s quality. If you think a content audit is something that would benefit your website, keep reading to learn more about what a content audit is and why it’s important. 

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Topics: content

Do's and Don'ts For Creating Compelling Infographics

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Sun, Nov 17, 2019 @ 02:04 PM

Infographics are one of the most popular kinds of content in any marketing campaign. These graphics are visual representations of information, data, or knowledge that are designed to present content clearly and concisely. However, even with top of the line infographic design software, creating effective infographics is no easy task. To help you with your visual content marketing, here are the top do's and don'ts for creating compelling infographics.

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Topics: content marketing, content, helpful content, interesting content, Content Quality, quality content, visual content, Content creation, Infographics, Social Media Content, Content Marketing Trends

5 Components Of A Successful Website

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Jan 13, 2016 @ 04:30 PM

There are several components that need to work together to ensure your website is appealing and informative. People want to visit a site that answers their questions and is appealing to navigate through. This article discusses what components your CT website needs to succeed.  

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Topics: SEO, content, Website

Important Characteristics To Consider As You Create Your Buyer Persona

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Dec 23, 2015 @ 01:30 PM

To create an effective buyer persona is to consider many important characteristics to understand who exactly you are trying to target. This will help you communicate with them on a personal level and understand their wants and needs. It's easier to create a creative message that stands out when you have an idea of who it is going to appeal to. This article will provide some of those characteristics you should consider when trying to start a new inbound marketing campaign. 

Who Are You Trying To Target?

When you start a new marketing campaign, it's important to narrow down who you are specifically trying to appeal to. You should consider  name, age, location, income, education, profession, ranking in the business,  and maybe a vague description of appearance. It's important to know them like they are your best friend next door neighbor. The most successful buyer personas are often based on market research and interviews of your actual customers. Knowing who you are trying to specifically target will nurture a successful marketing campaign to  effectively create an appropriate marketing message and achieve targeted goals. If you don’t consider your buyer persona, your content is not going to be as relevant to your audience. This means you miss out on the opportunities to connect on a personal level with customers and build trusting relationships. Building a buyer persona will help you relate to them and understand their needs from their perspective. 

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Topics: marketing, content, buyer person

What Are The Advantages Of Having An Online Business Presence?

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Dec 02, 2015 @ 03:00 PM

The growing technological world creates unlimited possibilities that allow for businesses even small businesses alike to expand. The Internet allows businesses to increase visibility, reach and sales, as well as expand to larger audiences. Understanding the benefits of utilizing the Internet can maximize the potential of your organization and teach you to adapt as the online world changes and grows.

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Topics: content, sales, blog, Ecommerce, Ecom

How To Build An Effective Corporate Identity

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Nov 20, 2015 @ 04:15 PM

Creating your identity represents what distinguishes your brand from the competition. Establish an identity exhibited through your brand by content, color, images and an effective strategy.  A valuable brand maintains a consistent identity reflecting your business' values. This article will explain the components it takes to build an effective corporate identity

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Topics: SEO, content, blogs, Website

What Does It Mean To Humanize A Brand?

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Thu, Nov 12, 2015 @ 02:00 PM

Your audience wants to understand you and know they can trust you. They want you to dedicate time to connect and engage with them. Prove that want you to help them achieve their goals and fulfill their needs. Offer relevant content and conversation that inspires them to learn more. They key to growing is humanizing your brand and showing people you are not just another corporate robot. This article will describe a few tips to get you started with your online marketing strategy. 

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Topics: content

How Does An Inbound Marketing Funnel Work?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Feb 25, 2015 @ 02:30 PM

These days, customers have more control over the information they consume, which elevates the importance of inbound marketing techniques, as they help businesses to reach their prospects in a targeted and relevant manner.

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Topics: content, CT Inbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing, inbound marketing funnel, qualified prospects

How Do I Increase Engagement Rates On Twitter?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Feb 06, 2015 @ 10:54 AM

Twitter is an important social media platform that you will want to spend time on if you plan to run a successful business. If you publish engaging content on Twitter, you have the potential to engage with hundreds to thousands of prospective customers. However, you need to post engaging content if you hope for prospects to end up sharing and retweeting your posts with their own followers. If you aren't engaging with other Twitter users on a regular basis, it's likely you won't be successful on social media regardless of what you are posting. Does your business need assistance with building and establishing ironclad connections with your target audience?

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Topics: Twitter, content, Web Content, Twitter tips

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