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How to Win Over Your Customer’s Hearts with Valentine's Day Marketing

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Fri, Feb 07, 2014 @ 12:14 PM

Valentine's Day has become a routine holiday that consumers have grown to celebrate every year.  It has become one of the most commercialized holidays in the world and many now refer to this day as a Hallmark Holiday.  When this time of year rolls around, Valentine's Day advertisements are everywhere you turn.  Companies go all out to try and reach out to their customers in order to maximize their sales.  And, so they should, last year it was estimated that consumers in the US reached $18.6 billion in spending for Valentine's Day.  Although many consumers may not agree with how commercialized this holiday has become, cultural norms have shifted and Valentine's Day spending is almost unavoidable.

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Topics: Valentine's Day, Inbound Marketing, Valentine's Day Marketing

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