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10 Facebook Facts That Demonstrate the Importance of Social Media Marketing in 2020 [Infographic]

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Fri, Jan 24, 2020 @ 01:19 PM

Has your business created a company Facebook page?

Did you invite your employees, customers, and industry partners to like your page?

Have you optimized your Facebook page info?

Are you regularly posting engaging content?

Have you tried promoting your page?

Are you using Facebook Analytics?

If you answered no to any of the questions above, this article is for you! With over 2 billion users on Facebook every day, businesses that do not have an active Facebook presence in 2020 are missing out on a plethora of potential customers and branding opportunities. Even if your company created a Facebook business page, ask yourself: has your page been routinely pumping out compelling content? Or is your Facebook business page just sitting there collecting virtual dust? This is where a social media marketing plan comes in handy. Your social profiles need to do more than just simply exist if you want to see results. Your Facebook company page needs to engage your audience while expanding your network.

Still unconvinced about the benefits of social media marketing on Facebook? Check out the infographic below with 10 facts about Facebook that prove the  importance of social media marketing in 2020.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook, Paid Facebook Ads, Facebook Marketing, Facebook for Small Business, Facebook Advertising, Facebook Facts, Facebook Tips

The Complete List of Facebook Acquisitions

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Apr 17, 2018 @ 10:15 AM

Starting out as a small website exclusively for college students, Facebook has grown into a multi-billion dollar company with nearly 2 billion users. Over the years, Facebook has grown, changed, and updated in order to create the best possible experience for its users. During this growth, Facebook acquired various companies, 66 to be exact, for different reasons.

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Topics: Facebook for Business, Facebook

How to Optimize Your Company’s Facebook Page

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Mon, Nov 13, 2017 @ 12:33 PM

Facebook is an important tool to market your business. In this day and age, a company’s Facebook page is as relevant as its actual website. In order to make your page as successful as possible, it should be properly optimized for usage and search results. Here are some tips to help you optimize your company’s Facebook page.

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Topics: Facebook for Business, Facebook, Facebook Marketing

11 Ways to Get More Likes on Your Company’s Facebook Page

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Sep 29, 2017 @ 01:00 PM

Facebook is an important part of your company’s digital marketing strategy. It’s a great way to promote your brand and spread awareness about your company. However, if your page doesn’t have enough likes, it won’t be useful to your company to spread ideas. Here are some ways to get more likes on your company’s Facebook page.

1. Optimize Your Page Info

The first few things that people see when looking at your Facebook page are your profile picture, cover photo, and a short description. Therefore, it’s important to brand yourself well with these components, making sure that each piece is descriptive and engaging. Be sure to fill out all of the subcategories in the information section, including details such as your business hours, address, phone number, website url, and any other useful information. Filling out as much information as possible will improve your search rankings both within Facebook and on Google.

2. Post Engaging Content

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook

How Can I Improve Engagement on my Facebook Posts?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Mon, Sep 18, 2017 @ 03:36 PM

Your Facebook page can be a useful tool to promote your business. However, if your page does not receive engagement, it will not benefit your business. It’s essential to the success of your Facebook page to craft posts that will encourage as much engagement as possible. Here are some tips to help improve the engagement on your Facebook posts.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook

How To Create Your First Social Media Campaign

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Dec 16, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

Social media is taking over and almost everyone has a profile on various platforms. Utilize this trend by adding your presence on these sites. Social media can be a great tool to expand your business but can be confusing to get started into the process. There are a lot of do's and dont's so the importance of taking your social media campaign as serious as possible, will help you build your brand instead of tarnishing it. This article will go over some of the first steps to get you started with an effective social media campaign. 

Assemble Your Team | Assign Responsibilities

The first action that should be taken is assembling a team that can focus on your social media campaign. Whether you have your own team or need to outsource, having a team of professionals solely focusing on your social media campaign can help expand your business. Social media needs a delicate balance. You should be posting promotional information, helpful information related to your business and some fun posts that appeal to the viewers interests. Understanding what viewers want from social media posts will help build your brand and make you a reliable source for information. Social media shouldn’t be taken lightly because several people will find out about who you are and what you sell through the various online platforms. Know who you are as a brand and effectively represent that through your social media. Many business stick to what they know, which isn’t always bad, but it's important to keep your followers engaged. As long as you are staying on topic, it is okay to post something funny and witty. Avoid posting only promotional content because people will get sick of you. Strategically research what the best social media campaign will work best for your business. 

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Topics: CT Marketing, Twitter, Facebook

What Are Some Social Media Best Practices?

Posted by Courtney Luginbuhl on Wed, Apr 08, 2015 @ 04:28 PM

Social media is amazing! It is especially great and quite useful if you are a business that successfully manages their social media pages. Social media can be used as a tool to connect with your customers through posts, pictures, and comments.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, Facebook, best practices

A Glossary Of Social Media Terms

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Jan 23, 2015 @ 11:16 AM

Implementing a social media strategy is not always a simple task, and can take more time than you have on your hands. When properly executed, a social media campaign can generate website traffic to your website, while bringing in new leads for your business, allowing you to connect with prospective buyers.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, website traffic, blog, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, hashtags, Instagram

4 Things To Add To Your Inbound Marketing To-Do List

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Dec 31, 2014 @ 11:54 AM

It is essential to have an effective inbound marketing strategy. The main problem for many companies is that thye aren't sure what they should be focusing on. Although it may seem like a petty thing to do, it never hurts to create a handy "to-do" list. After all, if it is good enough for your groceries, it's good enough for your business! If these four things have not been added to your inbound marketing to-do list, you're missing out on some great opportunities.

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Topics: online marketing, Twitter, Inbound Marketing, Facebook, inbound marketing tips

Benefits of Facebook for a Business

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Wed, Sep 03, 2014 @ 02:02 PM
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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Facebook for Business, Facebook

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