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How Do I Write A Blog Post?

Posted by Courtney Luginbuhl on Wed, Apr 01, 2015 @ 08:23 AM

Attempting to write and plan a blog post can be overwhelming. It seems like there are so many things to remember and plan. Don’t give up yet if you can’t seem to find your footing. We have created seven steps to help you with the process of blog writing.

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Topics: blog post, blog tips, personalized content, long tail keywords, quality content, blogging, blog topic

What Are The Benefits Of Long Tail SEO?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Mar 13, 2015 @ 03:52 PM

Most people assume that the majority of Google search traffic comes from the most popular keywords, the keywords that are searched thousands to millions of times each month. However, while this makes intuitive sense, the reality is different. Longtail keyword phrases make up a majority of search traffic. Long tail keywords are usually, well, longer (4-6 words) and they’re also more specific than the average keyword.The success of using long tail keywords starts with searchers using search engines to find information. Rarely do searchers use only one keyword. Using a more specific keyword will yield much fewer search results, but your website will be ranked higher, and could very well increase traffic in the long run. With that said, there is no reason not to include all keyword types into your strategy – both long and short.

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Topics: SEO, SEARCH TRAFFIC, long tail seo, long tail keywords

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