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Get The Word Out There! Best Social Media Platforms For Your Business

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Feb 12, 2016 @ 11:00 AM

Simply put, social media is a popular an exciting way to network. This is true for individuals as well as any business of any size. Since the social media world has blown up even larger over the years, businesses should utilize this tool for communication and appeal to larger audiences to achieve higher sales and loyal customers. However, posting whatever you can to multiple platforms will tarnish your efforts and make you seem unreliable. So if you should only use a few, what are the right platforms to help increase your traffic? Before going through the different platforms make sure you understand your business as a living brand which will make communicating the tone of your message a simpler process.

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Topics: Twitter, Inbound Marketing, blogging tips

How To Create Your First Social Media Campaign

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Dec 16, 2015 @ 11:00 AM

Social media is taking over and almost everyone has a profile on various platforms. Utilize this trend by adding your presence on these sites. Social media can be a great tool to expand your business but can be confusing to get started into the process. There are a lot of do's and dont's so the importance of taking your social media campaign as serious as possible, will help you build your brand instead of tarnishing it. This article will go over some of the first steps to get you started with an effective social media campaign. 

Assemble Your Team | Assign Responsibilities

The first action that should be taken is assembling a team that can focus on your social media campaign. Whether you have your own team or need to outsource, having a team of professionals solely focusing on your social media campaign can help expand your business. Social media needs a delicate balance. You should be posting promotional information, helpful information related to your business and some fun posts that appeal to the viewers interests. Understanding what viewers want from social media posts will help build your brand and make you a reliable source for information. Social media shouldn’t be taken lightly because several people will find out about who you are and what you sell through the various online platforms. Know who you are as a brand and effectively represent that through your social media. Many business stick to what they know, which isn’t always bad, but it's important to keep your followers engaged. As long as you are staying on topic, it is okay to post something funny and witty. Avoid posting only promotional content because people will get sick of you. Strategically research what the best social media campaign will work best for your business. 

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Topics: CT Marketing, Twitter, Facebook

What Are Some Social Media Best Practices?

Posted by Courtney Luginbuhl on Wed, Apr 08, 2015 @ 04:28 PM

Social media is amazing! It is especially great and quite useful if you are a business that successfully manages their social media pages. Social media can be used as a tool to connect with your customers through posts, pictures, and comments.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, Facebook, best practices

How Do I Increase Engagement Rates On Twitter?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Feb 06, 2015 @ 10:54 AM

Twitter is an important social media platform that you will want to spend time on if you plan to run a successful business. If you publish engaging content on Twitter, you have the potential to engage with hundreds to thousands of prospective customers. However, you need to post engaging content if you hope for prospects to end up sharing and retweeting your posts with their own followers. If you aren't engaging with other Twitter users on a regular basis, it's likely you won't be successful on social media regardless of what you are posting. Does your business need assistance with building and establishing ironclad connections with your target audience?

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Topics: Twitter, content, Web Content, Twitter tips

A Glossary Of Social Media Terms

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Jan 23, 2015 @ 11:16 AM

Implementing a social media strategy is not always a simple task, and can take more time than you have on your hands. When properly executed, a social media campaign can generate website traffic to your website, while bringing in new leads for your business, allowing you to connect with prospective buyers.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, website traffic, blog, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, hashtags, Instagram

4 Things To Add To Your Inbound Marketing To-Do List

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Dec 31, 2014 @ 11:54 AM

It is essential to have an effective inbound marketing strategy. The main problem for many companies is that thye aren't sure what they should be focusing on. Although it may seem like a petty thing to do, it never hurts to create a handy "to-do" list. After all, if it is good enough for your groceries, it's good enough for your business! If these four things have not been added to your inbound marketing to-do list, you're missing out on some great opportunities.

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Topics: online marketing, Twitter, Inbound Marketing, Facebook, inbound marketing tips

Which Social Media Marketing Platform Should You Use?

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Fri, Jun 06, 2014 @ 08:49 AM

Q: Which social networking platform should you use in your social media marketing campaign?

A: All of them!

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, facebook marketing strategy, pinterest marketing, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, social networking, hashtags, Instagram

5 Simple Steps for an Increased Twitter Presence

Posted by Kristina Chester on Wed, May 14, 2014 @ 12:32 PM

Many people enjoy twitter because it moves at a much faster pace when compared to Facebook. The site is a constant stream of information and advertising that, if taken advantage of, can help to propel your business to the next level. Many of you probably joined Twitter to market a business. While marketing may be your primary focus, Twitter also emphasizes an element of personal branding you shouldn't neglect have you optimized both your personal and business Twitter presence to enable people to learn more about you and your business? If you haven't, keep reading. Let's look at a few of the methods to increase your Twitter presence.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, Inbound Marketing, social networking, Web Content, Twitter tips

How Can I Increase My Twitter Followers?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Mar 14, 2014 @ 04:53 PM

Twitter can be a powerful marketing tool for any business, but it can also be hard to maintain if you aren't sure how to use it properly. It's one of the only platforms to have a character limit, and to make matters worse, sometimes it's a struggle to keep your posts within that 140 characters. More than that, how do you maintain and grow your followers simply by using 140 characters?

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, social networking

What Should I Do During a Social Media Crisis?

Posted by Kristina Chester on Fri, Sep 06, 2013 @ 09:08 AM

 If you have ever managed a social media platform, then you know that there are times when things can go horribly, horribly, (did we say horribly?) wrong. You wake up, head to work, log in to your computer, and there it is. One of the unholiest of unholy posts you have ever seen. Your hands start to sweat, your blood pressure rises, and all you want to do is hide away in a dark cave where the internet can never find you.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, internet marketing tips, Twitter, content marketing, Web Marketing, Facebook, social networking

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