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3 Things Business Don’t Do When Attempting Inbound Marketing

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Wed, Mar 13, 2019 @ 10:00 AM

Inbound marketing campaigns involve many moving parts, making it difficult for teams to coordinate in the initial stages. HubSpot, leading producer of inbound marketing software, have stated in the past that “strategy and process” are the two main contributors to Inbound success.

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Topics: inbound marketing mistakes, Inbound Marketing Strategy

Inbound Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Apr 04, 2014 @ 09:18 AM

As outbound marketing has begun being pushed out of the marketing world and replaced with new strategies, inbound marketing has become an essential part of most companies.  Inbound marketing is a great way to sell your product and get your company involved in the online community.  It is cheaper than outbound marketing and has proven very successful.  With this being said, inbound marketing can only be as effective as your company makes it and many companies struggle with the same problems.  Here is a list of seven common inbound marketing mistakes that companies make: 

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Topics: inbound marketing mistakes, Inbound Marketing

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