A good blog title will inspire a reader to take the time to read your content, while a bad blog title will make the reader cringe and wish they had never looked.
Topics: jeff bullas, blog titles, Inbound Marketing, Content Writing, Hubspot, worst blog title ideas, inbound marketing blog
So you want to write a blog, but have no idea where to start. Welcome to the wonderful world of blogging, my friends. Sure, you could Google the best blog title ideas out there, or you could try to come up with something creative and witty, but chances are you will spend an hour watching kitten videos on Youtube before even composing your first sentence. Starting a blog post is the bane of existence for every good writer. Here a few things that you should NOT do when trying to strike gold with your latest blog post.
Topics: SEO Tips, blog titles, Inbound Marketing, worst blog title ideas, Business Blogging, Web Content