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SEO Strategies Every Business Needs To Master

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Dec 18, 2015 @ 01:30 PM

With several businesses available that offer some of the same products and services as you, it can be difficult to stand out from the competition. That's where strong SEO efforts come in. You may have the best business out there but people won't be able to find you if you don't take the time to utilize SEO strategies. This article will describe some of the ways to master SEO and grow your business. 

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Topics: SEO, blogs, Ecom

How To Build An Effective Corporate Identity

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Nov 20, 2015 @ 04:15 PM

Creating your identity represents what distinguishes your brand from the competition. Establish an identity exhibited through your brand by content, color, images and an effective strategy.  A valuable brand maintains a consistent identity reflecting your business' values. This article will explain the components it takes to build an effective corporate identity

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Topics: SEO, content, blogs, Website

How Do I Create a Successful Blog?

Posted by Stephen Pace on Wed, May 20, 2015 @ 01:14 PM

There are thousands of blogs in the Internet today discussing subjects all over the spectrum of human interest. But a majority of blogs are not successful and end up being abandoned by their writers. Here are a few tips that can help you successfully launch or resurrect a blog.

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Topics: blog post, blog subscribers, blog, blogging, blogs

A Comprehensive Approach To SEO For 2015

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Feb 04, 2015 @ 03:38 PM

It's no wonder why the field of SEO is littered with speculation and hypothetical practices: Google continues to update its search engine algorithms at a steady pace. The consistent improvement of search engine software has left many SEO experts leaning towards a more universal approach. In this blog post, we will share current trends and other tips to use when you are developing your newest SEO plan for the future. Most of the SEO trends in 2015 are continuations from 2014 when it was essential to create quality content, be active on social media and focus on your mobile user.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, SEO, Inbound Marketing, blogs, pay per click

5 Critical Blogging Mistakes To Avoid

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Jan 28, 2015 @ 11:14 AM

I can't imagine how many do's and don'ts lists exist out there. The Internet is full of them. Unless you are a veteran blog writer, though, there is too much input to keep straight. We have sifted through a lot of tips on blog writing and have identified what we think are the five biggest blogging mistakes companies make. If you can tackle these, your blog may just have a fighting chance to attract prospects and convert them into leads.

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Topics: blog post, responsive web design, blog content planning, content, Inbound Marketing, website traffic, blog, blogging, blogs

An SEO Infographic: Too Hot, Too Cold, Or Just Right?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Nov 14, 2014 @ 02:39 PM

As a small business owner you need to contemplate one simple but very important fact. When people perform a search in a major search engine (i.e. Google) for your products or services only one of two outcomes is possible: they will find your website, or they will find your competitors. Showing up in the first few results in a search for your products or services can have a huge impact on your business. Getting in those top posititions can be incredibly difficult though. The process can be daunting and elusive for any small business.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, SEO, blogs, pay per click

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