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The Impact of Coronavirus on SEO [Infographic]

Posted by Liza Cormier on Fri, Aug 07, 2020 @ 05:16 PM

From an SEO standpoint, there has been an overwhelming amount of data that is being analyzed about the impact coronavirus has had on various industries. People have spent more time on their devices looking up news coverage, updates on COVID-19 cases around the world, and more importantly, where they can find toilet paper and hand sanitizer near them.

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Topics: SEO, SEO trends 2020, COVID-19 Response

The Difficult Conversation. The Hard Choice. The Next Step.

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Apr 17, 2020 @ 09:45 AM

It’s a difficult conversation. During trying times, business owners and C Level Executives have to make hard choices. Departments, programs, and ultimately employees that don’t show any ROI are eliminated.

And there are no shortage of conversations around Marketing Departments and Marketing Programs. No ROI? See ya. But, consider this for a moment, wasn’t this always the case? Shouldn’t this have been the norm?

During a crisis, the stress can shed light on problems that were “OK” or “Business as Usual”. Acceptable status quo. So now, people are starting to ask: "That's nice and all, but is it making us any money?”

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Topics: COVID-19 Response, General Business Tips

How to Approach Digital Marketing During Coronavirus

Posted by Liza Cormier on Tue, Apr 14, 2020 @ 08:45 AM

We have experienced a difficult change in our daily lives since the coronavirus forced us into staying home and avoiding public settings as much as possible. Everyday we are flooded with news updates and reminders to wash your hands and practice social distancing. Because of this, businesses of all kinds have had to close or conduct business in different ways for the safety of customers and employees while trying to minimize the financial impact of all of this. 

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Topics: COVID-19 Response

Why Your Business Should Continue Advertising During Coronavirus

Posted by Liza Cormier on Mon, Apr 13, 2020 @ 12:45 PM

Since the spread of the coronavirus, we have all been affected in some way, which is why it’s important we follow precautions in order to slow the spread and flatten the curve. As we know, the main precautions are to promote social distancing and stay home, both of which have significantly changed the dynamic of our consumer behavior. Businesses have either closed or are unsure how to conduct business during this time. If you’re running a business and are wondering how to adjust your marketing strategies in light of the current situation, keep reading to find out why it’s important to keep advertising. 

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Topics: COVID-19 Response

Tips for CT Businesses to Stay Connected During Shutdown

Posted by Liza Cormier on Thu, Apr 02, 2020 @ 02:00 PM

Due to the coronavirus outbreak across the world, we’ve seen many state-wide shut downs in order to reduce the spread of the virus, and try to flatten the curve. In these times, businesses have to make the best decisions for themselves and their customers in order to stay safe and follow precautions. Many  businesses have resorted to closing, or have been deemed non essential to stay open for business until further notice.

So what can you do to stay connected and retain your customers during this time? If you are closed, you want to be sure your customers know you’re still there and are looking out for their best interest. Here are a few tips on keeping your business connected during the coronavirus shutdown.

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Topics: COVID-19 Response, General Business Tips

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