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The Surprising Value of Gated Content for Lead Generation

Posted by Jesse Cohen on Fri, Aug 23, 2019 @ 10:00 AM

It can be surprisingly hard to figure out how much content to put on a website. If you’re trying to build general brand awareness, it can be a good idea to provide all of your site content upfront to visitors and let them explore. If you’re looking to generate leads, however, we recommend “gating” your content, which simply means requiring visitors to provide some of their information — most commonly an email — to access your content. You’ve probably seen this before. You visit a site, see a bulleted list of what you’ll get in a downloadable PDF or a six-minute video, and give your name and email in return for access. Telling site owners to gate their site’s content can be scary. After all, when you require action for a digital offer requests for the offer tend to go down. Isn’t the whole point of these offers to get as many reads as possible? Well, not quite. It’s a bit more complex than that. In this article we’ll explore who’s a good fit for gated content and some of the surprising benefits of walling off sections of your website.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Website Strategy, Gated Content

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