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Social Media Creativity Tips For Securing More Leads

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Feb 19, 2016 @ 02:52 PM

Social media has provided a world to enhance creativity and individuality.  The same can be said for businesses. However, businesses need to develop a strategy to creatively and effectively generate more traffic to their website, which will increase sales and create more leads. The online social community has provided opportunities to represent your brand and communicate to a mass audience. This article discusses some creative tips on social media platforms to generate traffic and secure more leads. 

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Topics: drive traffic, social networking, followers

Simple Tips for Growing Your Followers on Twitter

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Tue, May 28, 2013 @ 10:24 AM

The advantages of Twitter can be seen when businesses or individuals communicate online the same way they would in face-to-face interactions. Social media has revolutionized the way people connect, and maintaining these connections through two-way communication patterns can lead to a larger following.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, internet marketing tips, Twitter, followers, tweeps, hashtags

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