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10 Facebook Facts That Demonstrate the Importance of Social Media Marketing in 2020 [Infographic]

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Fri, Jan 24, 2020 @ 01:19 PM

Has your business created a company Facebook page?

Did you invite your employees, customers, and industry partners to like your page?

Have you optimized your Facebook page info?

Are you regularly posting engaging content?

Have you tried promoting your page?

Are you using Facebook Analytics?

If you answered no to any of the questions above, this article is for you! With over 2 billion users on Facebook every day, businesses that do not have an active Facebook presence in 2020 are missing out on a plethora of potential customers and branding opportunities. Even if your company created a Facebook business page, ask yourself: has your page been routinely pumping out compelling content? Or is your Facebook business page just sitting there collecting virtual dust? This is where a social media marketing plan comes in handy. Your social profiles need to do more than just simply exist if you want to see results. Your Facebook company page needs to engage your audience while expanding your network.

Still unconvinced about the benefits of social media marketing on Facebook? Check out the infographic below with 10 facts about Facebook that prove the  importance of social media marketing in 2020.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook, Paid Facebook Ads, Facebook Marketing, Facebook for Small Business, Facebook Advertising, Facebook Facts, Facebook Tips

4 Reasons You Should Invest in Paid Search Marketing

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Fri, Nov 15, 2019 @ 09:45 AM

If you aren't already running a paid search marketing campaign, you are missing out. Recent studies have found that between 70-80% of consumers research a company online before visiting the business in person or making a purchase with them. Paid search ads appear on the first page of search results, and could sway all of these consumers into choosing your company as they research products or services. Here are four of the best reasons why you should start investing in paid search advertisements today.

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Topics: Paid Search, Paid Search Management, Paid Facebook Ads, Paid Social Media, Paid Search Marketing, SEM

7 Reasons to Start Using Facebook Ads Today

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Jan 15, 2019 @ 09:45 AM

Facebook is widely popular among all different age groups, demographics, and even across different continents. Because of its popularity, smart businesses establish a presence on Facebook to reach their current and potential customers. Facebook is a useful marketing tool, but if your business isn’t using Facebook ads to promote your content, you’re not making the most of it. We’ve compiled a list of the top reasons why you should use Facebook ads to promote your business.

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Topics: Facebook for Business, Paid Facebook Ads, Facebook Advertising

6 Tips for Creating a Successful Facebook Ad

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Mar 27, 2018 @ 02:15 PM

Businesses are facing new challenges on Facebook because of adjustments to its news feed algorithms. These changes make it harder than ever for businesses to obtain visibility on their audience’s news feeds. These changes mean one thing: businesses need to spend money to achieve visibility. Because Facebook ads are more important than ever, business owners will need to know best practices to ensure the most successful Facebook ads possible. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you create a successful Facebook ad.

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Topics: Paid Facebook Ads, Paid Social Media, Facebook Advertising

Common Mistakes to Avoid With Paid Facebook Ads

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Sep 06, 2017 @ 01:34 PM

As many businesses across the country have learned within the past several years, Facebook ads can be a very powerful tool for reaching out to potential customers. Many Facebook marketers are having to learn how to create successful Facebook ads through trial and error. However, there's a wide variety of best practices and tips to take note of to help improve that learning curve a bit. Make sure your business isn't making common mistakes that drain ad budget and often lead to unsuccessful campaigns. Continue reading to learn how to avoid the top five common mistakes for paid Facebook advertising.

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Topics: Paid Facebook Ads

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