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Is Your Content Marketing Strategy Like The Walking Dead?

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Wed, Aug 17, 2016 @ 11:00 AM

Do you feel that your content marketing strategy seems to be falling flat lately? You are stuck in the same grueling routine and what was once a creative process now seems to be a slow and mindless zombie. However, unlike the show The Walking Dead, there is a cure to bring your content marketing strategy back to life. 

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Topics: content marketing, content marketing campaign, content marketing strategy

What Are The Content Marketing Predictions For 2016 (Infographic)?

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, May 20, 2016 @ 04:03 PM

Have you ever heard the term, content is king? If you haven't yet, this term is important because content marketing is taking 2016 by storm and is predicted to continue generating traffic for businesses with an online presence. Content marketing is vital to provide prospects with intriguing and informative content as well as utilizing content creation such as blogs for search engine optimization purposes. Check out the infographic below, created by Curata, that explains in more detail the content marketing predictions for 2016. 

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Topics: blog content, content marketing campaign, Content Writing

Content Marketing: A Beginner's Guide (Infographic)

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Oct 16, 2013 @ 09:40 AM

What is Content Marketing?

Content marketing has become a great way to provide free content to customers in exchange for their attention. In fact content marketing has become such a popular option that 90% of organization market with content.

Basically, the goal of content marketing is to attract and retain customers by consistently creating and publishing relative, original, and creative content. Content can come in many different forms, like: blog articles, infographics, videos, podcasts, white papers, eBooks, and (many) more. By providing this information about your products and services to your prospective customers, they may in turn reward you with their business and loyalty.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, content marketing, content marketing campaign, CT Inbound Marketing, Content Writing

How to Implement a Video Marketing Strategy

Posted by Kristina Chester on Wed, Aug 14, 2013 @ 02:54 PM

It's no surprise that video marketing is gaining popularity ever since Youtube, Vine, Instagram, and other social media outlets made sharing and production so easy. Luckily for the marketing industry, video content can be a great way to capitalize on attracting new leads, connecting with your visitors, or engaging valued customers.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, internet marketing tips, content marketing, content, Instagram video, content marketing campaign, Web Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Video, Video Marketing, visual content, inbound marketing tips, video on Instagram

What I Learned As an Inbound Marketing Intern

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Fri, Aug 09, 2013 @ 03:55 PM

I have always believed that you’ll learn 10 times more about any subject through experience as opposed to a classroom, an article or a second-hand story. My time spent as an inbound marketing intern only reinforced that belief. There was almost too much to learn and I feel like I only scratched the surface, but here’s the big take-aways that I’ll carry with me for the rest of my career.

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Topics: SEO, Search Engine Optimization, content marketing, content, content marketing campaign, Web Marketing, Inbound Marketing, blog, inbound marketing lessons, Content Writing, inbound marketing blog, Web Content

Oreo: America’s Favorite Twitter Account & Real-Time Marketing

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Wed, Jul 24, 2013 @ 01:08 PM

Someone asked me the other day where I get my news from, and “Twitter” was my automatic response. While I still get the content from news-worthy sites like CNN or AP, it’s not like I’m combing their homepage anymore but rather clicking a quick link to exactly what I’m looking for. And I don’t have to search far for the public’s comments. Simply by exiting the article, I can see how my friends and even people I don’t know are responding to the story through Twitter as well. Since Twitter is acting as a “second screen” for me and many other consumers, brands should be aiming to become part of this social commentary and push out their messages to the millions of users using real-time marketing. And that’s exactly what Oreo is doing.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, responsive websites, Oreo, Twitter, content marketing, content marketing campaign, Inbound Marketing, digital marketing, social networking, branding, visual content

Facebook Hashtags for Your Inbound Marketing Strategy

Posted by Rachelyn Provencher on Thu, Jun 13, 2013 @ 09:26 AM


Whether you are an inbound marketer or not, chances are that you've seen that iconic #hashtag symbol a lot recently. The hashtag (formerly known as the pound sign to any non-social media dwellers) was originally used to follow specific topics of conversation on the social network, Twitter. Now the hashtag is common place all over social media platforms such as Pinterest, Instagram and Tumblr. While companies everywhere have capitalized on the hashtag to start conversations around their brand, Facebook has been awkwardly absent from this sharing capability.

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Topics: Twitter, facebook hashtags, content marketing campaign, inbound marketing tips

3 Ways to Optimize Your Content Marketing Campaign

Posted by Rachelyn Provencher on Fri, Mar 01, 2013 @ 04:00 PM

As a CT inbound marketing company, we often field questions from businesses on how they can get more from their content marketing campaign. If you want to drive business to your website, create awareness about your brand or maximize your marketing efforts, then it all starts with content. According to Velocity Partners, nine out of ten b2b marketers will be producing much more content next year than they did this year. Good content will drive business but great content will drive business, increase your audience, build your brand and create a culture.

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Topics: content marketing, content marketing campaign

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