There are several different benchmarks that marketing experts pay close attention to while running email marketing campaigns. These key performance indicators provide business owners with an idea of how successful their email marketing strategies are. By analyzing metrics such as the open rate or click-through rate, you can determine which areas of your email marketing strategy need improvement.
The Most Important Key Performance Indicators for Email Marketing
Topics: email marketing best practices, email marketing tips, how do I increase my email click through rate, how to email market, email marketing campaign, email marketing, marketing email, email marketing terminology, Email Marketing Mistakes, Email Subject Lines, Email Marketing Strategy
Email Marketing Best Practices: 5 Common Myths Debunked
Email marketing has become one of the most effective ways to drive traffic to your website and boost your sales. Marketing through email has been used for many years, making it vulnerable to myths about how effective it really is. Generally, there are misconceptions about every industry, and within sales, there are plenty of misconceptions about email marketing. But if we're going to make any progression in the industry, it is important to debunk these myths. There are many misconceptions about email marketing that are invalid and Image Works is here to help debunk these common email marketing myths once and for all.
Topics: email marketing best practices, CT Inbound Marketing, how to email market, email marketing, myths about email marketing
Topics: email marketing tips, how to email market, email marketing, email marketing terminology, marketing essentials
According to HubSpot, your email marketing database degrades by about 25% every year. Clients change their email addresses, buy new computers, switch jobs, opt-out of your email communications, or even use a fake address to keep themselves out of your reach, but as a marketer, it's your job to ensure that your company is constantly communicating with new prospective clients and adding new contacts to grow your email marketing campaigns. So what do you do when you can't keep your numbers above the red?
Topics: email marketing best practices, email marketing tips, how to email market, email marketing
Email marketing has been around for a long time, making it prey to myths about how effective it really is. The truth is, there are many misconceptions about email marketing that are absolutely invalid. ImageWorks is here to help debunk these common email marketing myths for once and for all.
Topics: email marketing best practices, how to email market, email marketing, myths about email marketing