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How to Analyze Facebook Data to Better Understand Your Audience

Posted by Liza Cormier on Fri, Apr 16, 2021 @ 12:28 PM

With all the social media platforms we have today, Facebook continues to be the largest social network in the world. It started as a way for college students to connect, now, Facebook hosts almost 3 billion users. On top of being the most used platform, Facebook has become an essential marketing strategy tool.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Social Media Content

How to Effectively Reach Your Target Audience on Facebook

Posted by Liza Cormier on Tue, Feb 25, 2020 @ 10:15 AM

Social media isn’t just about keeping up with what your friends and family did over the weekend. Now, various platforms have become marketing hubs that allow businesses to target a specific audience to make users aware of the products or services they offer, and because so many people use social media, it’s a great opportunity for businesses to spread brand awareness.

With the creation of popular social media platforms such as twitter, Instagram and snapchat, Facebook has been a leading platform and continues to be the most popular. The amount of users on Facebook creates a very high chance of engaging with customers of all types.  Depending on what kind of business you’re in, there are many age demographics to target your brand too. The way to get users to actually find your brand is to use various marketing tools to creating engaging content. If you have a business and want to optimize how to reach your target audience, here are a few tips to doing so through Facebook.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook Advertising

10 Facebook Facts That Demonstrate the Importance of Social Media Marketing in 2020 [Infographic]

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Fri, Jan 24, 2020 @ 01:19 PM

Has your business created a company Facebook page?

Did you invite your employees, customers, and industry partners to like your page?

Have you optimized your Facebook page info?

Are you regularly posting engaging content?

Have you tried promoting your page?

Are you using Facebook Analytics?

If you answered no to any of the questions above, this article is for you! With over 2 billion users on Facebook every day, businesses that do not have an active Facebook presence in 2020 are missing out on a plethora of potential customers and branding opportunities. Even if your company created a Facebook business page, ask yourself: has your page been routinely pumping out compelling content? Or is your Facebook business page just sitting there collecting virtual dust? This is where a social media marketing plan comes in handy. Your social profiles need to do more than just simply exist if you want to see results. Your Facebook company page needs to engage your audience while expanding your network.

Still unconvinced about the benefits of social media marketing on Facebook? Check out the infographic below with 10 facts about Facebook that prove the  importance of social media marketing in 2020.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook, Paid Facebook Ads, Facebook Marketing, Facebook for Small Business, Facebook Advertising, Facebook Facts, Facebook Tips

11 Ways to Get More Likes on Your Company’s Facebook Page

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Sep 29, 2017 @ 01:00 PM

Facebook is an important part of your company’s digital marketing strategy. It’s a great way to promote your brand and spread awareness about your company. However, if your page doesn’t have enough likes, it won’t be useful to your company to spread ideas. Here are some ways to get more likes on your company’s Facebook page.

1. Optimize Your Page Info

The first few things that people see when looking at your Facebook page are your profile picture, cover photo, and a short description. Therefore, it’s important to brand yourself well with these components, making sure that each piece is descriptive and engaging. Be sure to fill out all of the subcategories in the information section, including details such as your business hours, address, phone number, website url, and any other useful information. Filling out as much information as possible will improve your search rankings both within Facebook and on Google.

2. Post Engaging Content

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook

How Can I Improve Engagement on my Facebook Posts?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Mon, Sep 18, 2017 @ 03:36 PM

Your Facebook page can be a useful tool to promote your business. However, if your page does not receive engagement, it will not benefit your business. It’s essential to the success of your Facebook page to craft posts that will encourage as much engagement as possible. Here are some tips to help improve the engagement on your Facebook posts.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook

Simple Ways To Monitor and Measure Your Facebook Marketing Efforts

Posted by James Bye on Thu, Nov 17, 2016 @ 04:05 PM

Creating profitable Facebook marketing efforts for your brand can present itself to be an overwhelming process. Numerous pages, distribution methods, monitoring and interaction can be a lot for someone who is also trying to manage their additional business efforts. In this article, we will provide you with simple ways to monitor and measure your social media marketing efforts, allowing you to feel most confident that you are taking in the ROI that you deserve.

There are currently more social media users online than ever before. As told by Statista, "In 2016, 78 percent of U.S. Americans had a social media profile. According to estimates, the number of worldwide social media users reached 1.96 billion and is expected to grow to some 2.5 billion by 2018." 

It's time to get going on Facebook! Already a Facebook Advertising ninja? Check out our other resources below: 

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy

4 Simple Tips On Using Social Media Marketing For Business In CT

Posted by James Bye on Wed, Aug 03, 2016 @ 11:30 AM

The "Constitution State" is flourishing with businesses both new and old and our marketplace is constantly evolving. Large or small, a plan for social media marketing for business in CT opens up a world of opportunity to both grow your brand and engage with your audience. 

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, social networking, business blog, Twitter tips

Which Social Media Marketing Platform Should You Use?

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Fri, Jun 06, 2014 @ 08:49 AM

Q: Which social networking platform should you use in your social media marketing campaign?

A: All of them!

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Twitter, facebook marketing strategy, pinterest marketing, Pinterest, Facebook, LinkedIn, social networking, hashtags, Instagram

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