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Which Outdated Digital Marketing Strategies Should You Abandon In 2023?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Tue, Dec 20, 2022 @ 08:00 AM

What's the most challenging aspect of leveraging digital marketing strategies for your business? The constant changes. Unlike other sectors, digital marketers are subject to unexpected updates and industry shifts-- at any time. Worst of all, if you're not quick enough to adapt, your business and livelihood could be at risk-- it's essential that you remain vigilant.

And, it's not just Google that online marketers need to worry about, but also the latest gadget innovations.

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Topics: Keyword Strategy, content marketing strategy, Digital Marketing Trends

How Do I Use My Competitors to Improve my Marketing Strategy?

Posted by Liza Cormier on Wed, Mar 31, 2021 @ 09:17 AM

When creating a marketing plan, there are many different factors to look at: successful marketing campaigns in the past, failed campaigns, your priorities and goals for the upcoming campaign, and more. One major factor that doesn’t get taken into consideration enough, however, is what your competitors are doing. Learning from your competitors marketing efforts can help you make better, more informed decisions about your own campaign. Here are some ways you can use your competitors to improve your upcoming marketing strategy.

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Topics: Keyword Strategy, content marketing strategy, Social Media Content

5 Key Elements of Content Marketing

Posted by Liza Cormier on Fri, Aug 14, 2020 @ 04:54 PM

More often than not, companies will try to ramp up the amount of content they create in order to see more results. But the problem with this tactic is that you’re putting less meaningful content out into the world, when the important thing is to remember your strategy behind it. In leaning too much toward content creation, it’s easy to lose sight of all the other important elements of content marketing. Let’s go over those elements so you can ensure you’re focusing on the right tactics for successful marketing. 

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Topics: content marketing, content marketing strategy

20 Stats to Help You Plan Your 2020 Marketing Strategy [Infographic]

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Thu, Oct 17, 2019 @ 01:38 PM

2020 is fast approaching, is your marketing strategy ready? It's not like you can recycle the same plan you used last year. Marketing tactics constantly need to be adjusted in order to keep up with social media and marketing technology as it continues to develop. By analyzing marketing data and trends from 2019 we can predict which marketing strategies are likely to succeed, and just as importantly, which are doomed to fail.

To help you prepare for 2020, ImageWorks has created a convenient infographic with 20 statistics that you should take into account when formulating your marketing strategy for next year.

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Topics: SEO Tips, SEO strategy, content marketing strategy, Infographics, Social Media Strategy, marketing technology, marketing tech, 2020 Marketing, Digital Marketing 2020

Are Buyer Personas Still Important for Inbound Marketing?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Jul 26, 2019 @ 09:30 AM

Since the initial development of content marketing, buyer personas have been a pillar of content marketing strategy. However, the landscape of the Internet and of Google has changed greatly in the last 15 years, leaving people to wonder: are buyer personas still important? The importance of other key factors such as keyword rank has changed dramatically over the years, so it’s natural to think buyer personas would do the same. We’ve broken down the basics of buyer personas and how useful they are in 2019 to help keep your content marketing strategy up to date.

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Topics: buyer personas, content marketing strategy

How to Stand Out in a Sea of Online Marketing Content

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, May 30, 2019 @ 10:35 AM

Content marketing is one of the most successful strategies to promote your website and your business online. However, the success of content marketing isn’t exactly a state secret. Because so many different companies, websites, and agencies attempt content marketing, there is a virtually infinite stream of content on the Internet for any topic you can think of. To be successful in this environment, it’s not enough to simply use content marketing. The most successful businesses create content that can stand out from the endless sea of content on the Internet. How can you create content that will stand out from the crowd? We have the tips that can help!

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Topics: content marketing strategy, Content creation

6 Tips to Show Off the Human Side of Your Brand

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Sat, May 18, 2019 @ 09:30 AM

In the age of the Internet, thousands of companies vying for the same clients, and large, faceless corporations, one of the best ways to stand out is to show off the human side of your brand. Consumers are becoming increasingly aware of the people behind brands and feel more comfortable doing business with actual humans than faceless companies. Not only will humanizing your brand help grow your business, but it will also encourage more interaction with your content, both on social media and through your blog. To develop a strategy focused on humanizing your brand, check out these tips below.

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Topics: content marketing strategy, Humanizing Marketing Content

What Do I Need to Know to Develop a Content Marketing Strategy?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Mar 21, 2019 @ 10:15 AM

Content marketing is one of the best ways to grow your business. Content marketing involves creating written, visual, and video content that will attract potential customers to your website. Your strategy will involve offering value to your potential customers through educational and informative content they want to use. When developing a content marketing strategy, you might attempt to do it yourself or hire a content marketing agency to assist you. In either case, there are a few questions to which you should have the answers to make sure your strategy is focused on getting the right people to your site.

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Topics: content marketing, content marketing strategy, Social Media Content

What are Buyer Personas and Why Do They Matter?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Feb 19, 2019 @ 09:45 AM

There are countless factors that marketers need to take into account when establishing a clear strategy. The most important thing for any business or marketer to consider is their customers. To properly serve their customers, businesses and marketers often create buyer personas. The creation of buyer persons helps create a targeted marketing strategy with customers in mind. For more information on buyer personas, read the post below.

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Topics: buyer personas, content marketing strategy, Creating Buyer Personas

5 Tips to Humanize Your Marketing Content

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Dec 05, 2017 @ 11:39 AM

Strong marketing content is essential to the success of your brand. However, it’s important that your marketing content is human and personal in order to promote trust in your brand. When you humanize your marketing content, potential customers understand that there are real people behind your brand, setting you apart from your competitors. Here are some tips to help you humanize your marketing content.

1. Share Photos of Your Team

One of the best ways to show your customers that there are real people behind your brand is to show them off! Share photos of your team members around the office looking human. Take photos at events or parties and use funny antics in the office as photo opportunities. You should show your team members together as much as possible to demonstrate that there is a strong team of people behind your brand.

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Topics: content marketing strategy, Humanizing Marketing Content

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