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How to Find the Right Web Design Company

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Jun 04, 2019 @ 10:15 AM

Your website is arguably one of the most important marketing tools your business has. Because so many people shop and conduct research about their purchases online, it’s imperative to have a quality website that represents your business well. A quality modern-looking website will represent your business as a leader in your industry and someone who stays on top of the current trends. For this reason, it’s essential to work with a good web design company that can create your ideal website with both your needs and the latest web design trends in mind. We’ve compiled a list of tips to help you find the right web design company to build or redesign your business’s website. 

Check Out Their Portfolio

When choosing a web design company, one of the most important steps to take is to view their portfolio. The company you choose should be able to produce an extensive portfolio with multiple successful projects. Not only will a portfolio help verify the abilities and reputation of the web design company, but it will also give you a sense of the styles and applications the company has created for previous clients. If you like the look of most of the websites in the portfolio, there’s a good chance that the company will be able to create a website you’re happy with.

Meet the Designers

When considering a web design company, it’s a good idea to have a sit down with the people who will be designing the site. It’s important to know the people you’ll be working with and to verify that the company does not outsource your work. You will also be able to get a sense of whether the designers will be responsive to your ideas and requests and if you will work well together. Meeting the designers who will be responsible for your website can help you get a sense of the process of building your site and give you confidence in the people you’re trusting with your website.

Ask About Their Process

When choosing a web design company, you should potential companies about their design process. It’s important to know how quickly they will respond to your requests and questions and how often you’ll have contact with them. Do they conduct one meeting and do the rest over the phone? Is the entire process email? Do they ask for weekly in-person meetings? In addition to verifying that the meeting process will work for you, you should find out how long everything will take. How quickly does it take to make changes? How long should the entire project take? Finding out this information will help you choose a web design company that can meet your expectations.

Inquire About Pricing

Although it shouldn’t be the first question you ask, it’s important to know the costs of building a website when selecting a web design. You should choose a company that has reasonable pricing, but does not have costs so low that they are too good to be true. Find out what they charge for and which costs are included. Will the company charge you every time they make a change? Will they charge you additional fees to start your website from scratch? Knowing these costs will help you avoid surprises later and make sure you’re getting the best deal. You should also find out when your payment is due. Many web design companies will charge half the price up front, and ask for the other half when the project is complete. However, others might require the entire cost of front. Knowing these expectations will help you make an informed decision about the right web design company for you.

Ask for References

In addition to looking at a portfolio for a potential web design partner, you should also ask for references. While a portfolio will give you a good sense of the company’s final product, references will help give you insight into the process. If a company has a beautiful portfolio but cannot produce references, there is a chance that they are a difficult company to work with, despite their positive results. It’s important to hire a web design company that can produce a great website and make the process easy for you, so consider asking for references before choosing a company.

Ask If They Offer Training for Clients

Once your website is finished, you’ll want to be able to navigate the editing tools and be able to make small changes yourself. For this reason, it’s important to choose a web design company that ensures you’re capable of making small changes. A quality web design company will offer training on navigating the tools of your website and will be happy to answer any questions you have. Without proper training, you might have to call your web design company to make even a small change, which will be a huge hassle for everyone involved. To avoid this issue, make sure your potential web design partner offers training on navigating your new website.


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Topics: web design, CT Web Design Company

The Past, Present, and Future of Web Design [Infographic]

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, May 21, 2019 @ 12:34 PM

In the digital age, one of the most powerful branding and marketing tools that businesses have is their website. In a time where people live online, your business's online presence and your website truly define your company to the world. For this reason, it's essential to have a well-designed website that looks sleek and modern, represents your business as a leader in your industry, and is completely responsive and easy to use. Anything less than an attractive, fully responsive website can hurt your business's reputation and cost you valuable leads. To achieve the ideal website for your business, it's important to work with a quality web design company that will sit down with you to understand your business, be responsive to your needs, and get you the results you're looking for.

To find the ideal web design company, knowing how web design has developed over the years is useful to ensure that your company is on top of the latest trends. BlueHost has created a handy infographic detailing the development of web design since the beginning of the Internet and how new technology will affect web design in coming years. Check it out to learn about the latest trends and ensure your web design company is up to speed.

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Topics: web design, Web Design Trends, Development of Web Design

7 Tips to Reduce Your Website’s Page Loading Time

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Jul 26, 2018 @ 11:15 AM

One of the most important (and overlooked) factors to a successful website is your page loading speed. When your site takes a long time to load, it won’t just reduce your conversion rates, it can make people leave your page before they even look at it. In fact, according to Google, 53% of users will leave a mobile page if it takes longer than 3 seconds to load. For this reason, it’s essential to the success of your site to take proper steps to ensure the fastest possible loading speed for your website. We have the tips that can help!

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Topics: website redesign, web design, Website Loading Speed

8 Mistakes That Could Be Driving Visitors Away From Your Site

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Thu, Jun 28, 2018 @ 10:15 AM

Most people can spot a good website, but it can be difficult to figure out the specific factors that make a website less than perfect. Unfortunately, when your website has flaws, it can often frustrate visitors and cause them to leave your site. We've compiled a list of some of the most common mistakes that people make when creating a website. These mistakes are ones that can often drive people away from a website. To keep people on your website for longer, avoid the following mistakes.

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Topics: web design, web design mistakes, Website Mistakes

How Do Colors Impact Your Branding?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, May 15, 2018 @ 10:44 AM

When initially marketing your brand, you'll have to make a lot of decisions. You'll need to design a logo, create an outline for your website, and decide on the color scheme that will best represent your brand. When you're making so many decisions at once, choosing colors might seem like a small matter. However, the colors you choose for your brand are an essential part of the message you want to send to your target audience. Therefore, when you choose your colors, you should consider how people react to different colors and color schemes. Marketo has created a handy infographic to help illustrate people's reactions to different colors and how to choose the right color scheme for your brand. Check it out below!

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Topics: web design, branding, colors and branding

Spring Cleaning: 6 Reasons to Redesign Your Website Today

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Mar 23, 2018 @ 10:45 AM

If it’s been a while since you’ve updated your website, it might be time for a redesign. Once the winter is over, traffic tends to pick up on most website, making the spring time the perfect time to act! Updating your website regularly is a great way to stay relevant and keep your brand on the cutting edge. However, if your site has certain issues, a simple update might not be enough. Instead, you might consider a full redesign to ensure that your website is equipped with the latest technology. We’ve compiled a list of six key reasons why you should consider a redesign for your website.

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Topics: website redesign, web design, Reasons to Redesign Your Website

Does My Website Need a Redesign?

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Tue, Sep 26, 2017 @ 10:41 AM

In this day and age, your website is one of the most important aspects of the success of your business. If your website was built a long time ago, it might not yield the same results that a newer, more modern website will. If you're looking for better results from your website, you might consider a redesign. Here are some reasons that a redesign is a good idea for your company's website.

You're Not Being Found on Google

SEO-friendly content is a great way to improve your website's search rankings, but if the structure of your website isn't SEO-friendly, your content won't help. If your website does not rank well on Google for your target keywords, it might be time to consider a redesign to provide your site with a structure that Google will approve of.

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Topics: website redesign, web design

Should I Design My Own Website? 3 Things You Need To Consider

Posted by James Bye on Mon, Jan 16, 2017 @ 08:54 AM

It's becoming a daily occurrence that more and more services arise giving consumers the ability to design their own logos, websites, business cards and more.  Sounds like a pretty great deal right? No contracts, no upfront costs of hiring a web design team, and you can get it over and done with in no time! While this all may sound cheery and well, when you find yourself wondering, "should I design my own website?", there are several important factors you must take into consideration. In this article we'll cover 3 key elements you need to consider before attempting to design your own website.

Already online? You may find some of the blogs listed below useful as well!

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Topics: web design

Web Design Trends For A Successful New Year (Infographic)

Posted by James Bye on Wed, Dec 07, 2016 @ 11:32 AM

Web design trends for a succcessful new year have made themselves known and it's time to implement them into your business marketing strategy. As 2017 will soon be upon us, the way in which users are consuming information online is constantly evolving. As web designers, it is our job to adapt to those changes and optimize our designs to create a fast, visually appealing, actionable user experience.

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Topics: web design

3 Web Design Myths You Should Know About

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Nov 11, 2016 @ 03:55 PM

If you're not a  designer, you can't be blamed for having some confusion about what may or may not be true regarding web design best practices. Living in a time of constant content production from both reliable and non reliable sources, it's important to find a web design agency you can trust.  Too keep you informed, we've chosen to debunk 3 web design myths you should know about. 

Looking for something else? Check out 

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Topics: web design

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