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The Most Important Key Performance Indicators for Email Marketing

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Thu, Sep 19, 2019 @ 02:46 PM

There are several different benchmarks that marketing experts pay close attention to while running email marketing campaigns. These key performance indicators provide business owners with an idea of how successful their email marketing strategies are. By analyzing metrics such as the open rate or click-through rate, you can determine which areas of your email marketing strategy need improvement.

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Topics: email marketing best practices, email marketing tips, how do I increase my email click through rate, how to email market, email marketing campaign, email marketing, marketing email, email marketing terminology, Email Marketing Mistakes, Email Subject Lines, Email Marketing Strategy

6 Common Email Marketing Mistakes You Might be Making

Posted by Catherine Hatch on Fri, Mar 09, 2018 @ 10:15 AM

Most marketers understand the basics of an optimized marketing email, such as segmented lists, personalization, and a call to action. These basics are great first steps to creating successful marketing emails. However, if you’re looking for better results from your marketing emails, you might consider more advanced marketing techniques. Read below for a list of common email marketing mistakes that even smart marketers make. Avoiding these mistakes can help bring your email marketing strategy to the next level.

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Topics: email marketing best practices, email marketing, Email Marketing Mistakes

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