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Holiday Marketing Tips for Connecticut Businesses

Posted by James Bye on Fri, Oct 21, 2016 @ 03:25 PM

It's holiday shopping season already!? 2016 flew by and it's important for Connecticut businesses to have their holiday marketing material ready to go. Brands should constantly be seeking new and improved ways to capture the eyes and ears of their audience. Research over the past year has proven that video marketing is the rising star of content methods and is among the most successful ways for B2B and B2C brands to convert their consumers into customers. "65% of executives visit the marketer's website and 39% call a vendor after viewing a video" and "82% of users are agreeing that they watch videos on a regular basis of users are agreeing that they watch videos on a regular basis." Data in the graphic below displays the overwhelming impact that video content can have on your Connecticut businesses in the months to come. 

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Topics: Video Marketing, Holiday Marketing Tips, Connecticut Businesses

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