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How to Optimize Your Website for Lead Generation

Posted by Liza Cormier on Tue, May 12, 2020 @ 09:37 AM

Lead generation is the process of attracting and converting prospective customers into someone who is interested in your company’s product or service. Generating leads can also be an indicator for whether your website is conveying the right message to potential clients. There’s a strategic process to lead generation that typically starts with a call to action (CTA), which leads prospects to a landing page that usually includes a form to collect contact information. If you want a better understanding of how to optimize your website for better lead generation, keep reading for more details. 

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Topics: Lead Generation, generate leads online

How to Generate More Leads Online

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Mon, Oct 28, 2019 @ 10:06 AM

No matter what size or what industry, every business needs to maintain a healthy sales funnel by gathering leads. Although many traditional companies may be accustomed to generating leads the old-fashioned way, there is a multitude of different ways to generate leads online. Here are some simple ways to increase the number of leads you are generating online.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, CT Web Design Company, online lead generation techniques, landing pages best practices, converts leads into customers, landing pages, Digital Marketing Agency, online leads, generate leads online

The Surprising Value of Gated Content for Lead Generation

Posted by Jesse Cohen on Fri, Aug 23, 2019 @ 10:00 AM

It can be surprisingly hard to figure out how much content to put on a website. If you’re trying to build general brand awareness, it can be a good idea to provide all of your site content upfront to visitors and let them explore. If you’re looking to generate leads, however, we recommend “gating” your content, which simply means requiring visitors to provide some of their information — most commonly an email — to access your content. You’ve probably seen this before. You visit a site, see a bulleted list of what you’ll get in a downloadable PDF or a six-minute video, and give your name and email in return for access. Telling site owners to gate their site’s content can be scary. After all, when you require action for a digital offer requests for the offer tend to go down. Isn’t the whole point of these offers to get as many reads as possible? Well, not quite. It’s a bit more complex than that. In this article we’ll explore who’s a good fit for gated content and some of the surprising benefits of walling off sections of your website.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Website Strategy, Gated Content

3 Reliable Methods for Creating and Using Buyer Personas

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Mar 03, 2017 @ 03:09 PM

In the past, Hubspot has stated that every marketing action you make should be dictated by your buyer personas. We have lots of love for Hubspot and we think this statement is one of the most informed they have made. Valuable content is the foundation for a successful inbound marketing campaign. Content is only valuable if it is useful to somebody.

If you haven’t considered your buyer personas, then how are you going to produce engaging content that is useful to them?

If you aren’t exactly familiar with this term, we will quickly catch you up to speed. By de or even if you are, we'll quickly review what exactly defines a buyer persona.

By definition, buyer personas are fictional characters who represent a brand's ideal customers. It's common for businesses to have more than one ideal customer, and for that customer to change depending on the growth or goals of the business.

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Topics: Lead Generation, responsive web design, marketing action, lifecycle stage, CT Inbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing, website traffic, inbound marketing campaign, marketing campaign, buyer personas

Top Lead Generation Mistakes & How You Can Avoid Them

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Jun 03, 2016 @ 12:00 PM

Lead generation describes the marketing process of stimulating and peaking a targeted audience's interest in a product or service to develop and increase sales. You can see lead generation techniques for B2B, most commonly utilized for content marketing. However, the biggest mistake businesses make is not understanding the value that their content holds. Just putting words together will not drive traffic for you. The content that is created should have value and purpose for the reader so they learn new elements of the topic they are interested in. Remember, content is king and when used to its full potential, the reader receives valuable information, which develops your brand as a trustworthy source.  So what are the top most common lead generation mistakes and can you avoid them?


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Topics: Lead Generation, Inbound Marketing, Web Content

5 Tips To Increase Lead Conversion Rates

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Thu, Nov 05, 2015 @ 12:48 PM

Conversion rates are the act of converting site visitors into paying customers. The best way to increase conversion rates are to build trust with your customers and to keep that trust with great content, a powerful message, testimonials and contact information. Trust takes time and your customers will appreciate your dedication. 

Credibility | Take Time To Get To Know Prospects

Credibility is formed when trust is built between you and the customer. That trust is built when the customer feels you have provided them with quality information, products and services. Conversion rates will increase if you take the time to get to know prospects and customers as well continue to provide excellent quality. Trying to take short cuts and putting anything on your website will make you look like a scam and people are going to move on to a business that is more trustworthy. Research and dedication to your customer will produce strong credibility and in turn, create loyal customers that will increase conversion rates. 

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Topics: Lead Generation

What Are The Top Reasons For Leaving A Landing Page?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, May 13, 2015 @ 04:01 PM

In order for you to maintain a reasonable amount of leads, you will need a fully optimized landing page. We can admit it though, it is not always easy to craft an optimized landing page, with other content creation taking up hours of time.

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Topics: Lead Generation, responsive web design, landing pages

7 Tips To Optimize Emails For Lead Generation

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Jan 02, 2015 @ 11:28 AM

It is quite difficult to define the most effective way to attract, convert and close leads through email campaigns. Just when you think you have figured out a strategy that works, it stops working. Effective email lead generation necessitates a lot of trial and error before your define your best approach. Below you will find some of our best tips and tricks to help you generate even more leads from your marketing emails.

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Topics: Lead Generation, call to action, Inbound Marketing, landing pages

Is Your Website Ready For Inbound Marketing?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Fri, Dec 05, 2014 @ 04:00 PM

Inbound websites should be structured based on a few principles. You want your website to engage with users like the kind of engagement they would have if they set their foot into your store. You want to address their interests, their pain points, and provide them with ideas and solutions. Your website needs to take visitors through their own personal buyers journey.

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Topics: Lead Generation, SEO, blog post, Content Management System, cms, Inbound Marketing, blog

3 Reasons Why Your Social Media Campaign Failed

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Nov 26, 2014 @ 11:54 AM

So, you have implemented a social media strategy for your business and that is, admittedly, a huge step. Your company is about to be more visible for many more potential clients or customers and how doesn't need more of those, right? But what happens when the people don't come running over, like you or the executives thought they might? Does that mean it's time to halt the campaign and just give up? I have wonderful news for you, my social media brethren: You do not need to give up. In fact, social media does a lot for brands that make good use of the networks they are featured on.

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Topics: Lead Generation, Social Media Marketing, Inbound Marketing, Hubspot, social networking

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