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7 Rookie Blogging Mistakes That Sabotage Your Efforts

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Mon, Feb 27, 2023 @ 01:30 PM

Every year, more organizations are beginning to "get their feet wet" in the digital marketing world through blog posts, designed to educate prospects. However, as organizations have rushed to join in on the content marketing frenzy-- the search engine result pages have become satured with blog posts. If you're going to put in the effort to develop a reliable and informative blog, you'll want to make sure that you stay up-to-date on the best habits for growth. We've helped to grow blogs in the past, so we have an eye for the mistakes that are damaging to a first blogging campaign-- this post covers 7 novice blogging mistakes that sabotage initial efforts.

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Topics: blog tips, blogging

How Do I Create Blog Titles That Readers Want To Click?

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Mon, Nov 21, 2022 @ 10:30 AM
So, you've been working diligently on your blog: you put the necessary thought and effort into your blog name, your site title and tagline, and you've even picked a few images to add emotional value to your posts. You take the time to read and re-read your drafts to make sure they address your customer's concerns. But, how do you make sure your blog titles stand out in a saturated market?

Crafting interesting post titles is one sure-fire way to grab a reader's attention and attract followers and visits. So, here's a few tips to keep in mind as you write your next set of blog title ideas for an upcoming campaign.
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Topics: blog titles, blog tips, blogging

How Do I Optimize My Website for Voice Search?

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Thu, Dec 05, 2019 @ 02:48 PM

Hey kids…a new sobering statistic: According to the PEW Internet Research Center - By the year 2020, half of all internet searches will be voice searches. This is because Siri, Alexa, Google Assistant, and Mobile phones are more popular than ever.

So, in order to prevent loss of market share or get a leg up on the competition and actually gain market share, marketers and designers should start a shift to allow for voice search to ensure there’s a smooth, natural experience for voice search users. Responses must be conversational, actionable and easy to understand. So how do you Optimize your Website for Voice Search?

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Topics: SEO, SEO Tips, SEO strategy, internet marketing tips, blog tips, blogging tips, Voice Search Optimization, Voice Search, Digital Marketing Tips, SEO Trends

Tips To Avoid Writing Bad Blogs

Posted by Stephen Pace on Thu, Jul 23, 2015 @ 10:22 AM


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Topics: blog tips

How Do I Write A Blog Post?

Posted by Courtney Luginbuhl on Wed, Apr 01, 2015 @ 08:23 AM

Attempting to write and plan a blog post can be overwhelming. It seems like there are so many things to remember and plan. Don’t give up yet if you can’t seem to find your footing. We have created seven steps to help you with the process of blog writing.

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Topics: blog post, blog tips, personalized content, long tail keywords, quality content, blogging, blog topic

10 Quick Content Marketing Tips Every Blogger Should Know

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Mon, Jul 21, 2014 @ 12:39 PM

Traffic is something every Internet marketer or blogger needs to survive online. It is not always an easy task and sometimes you put in a large amount of time into a post only to find out that nearly no one has viewed it. You have a great topic, an epic title and some solid content, so, where did your efforts go wrong? The Internet is a vast, busy world and with over 100 million blogs, it can be easy for your blog to go unnoticed. So where do you start? How can you attract visitors? Whether you just launched your first blog, or are struggling to grow traffic to an established one, here are some of best practices to boost blog views:

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Topics: content marketing, marketing tips, blog tips

Blogging Basics: Out of the Box Blog Titles

Posted by ImageWorks Intern on Fri, Jun 20, 2014 @ 10:43 AM

You just published a new post on your blog?  That's great.  Did you read a bunch of blogging tips before you wrote it?  I bet your content is perfectly organized and well-written.  And good thing you used tons of keywords throughout your content for search engine optimization.  That's the key to steadily increasing your blog traffic.  Like a gazillion people will immediately worship you and your inspiring posts!

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Topics: blog titles, blog tips, Inbound Marketing, Blog Posts, blogging tips

Bad Blogging Advice: 5 Tips You Should Ignore

Posted by Jeffrey Cohen on Wed, Apr 16, 2014 @ 11:43 AM

One of the first things a blogger will do when faced with the dilemma of growing his or her blog is research. As you search, you realize that you keep coming across the same advice over and over again. This may lead you to believe, " if so many people are vouching for the same piece of advice, then it must surely work, right?" Unfortunately, the answer in some cases may be "no."  Here's what wont work with regards to blogging.

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Topics: blog writing ct, blog tips, how to blog, blog content and style

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