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5 Epic Inbound Marketing Blog Titles

Posted by Rachelyn Provencher on Fri, May 24, 2013 @ 09:06 AM

A good blog title will inspire a reader to take the time to read your content, while a bad blog title will make the reader cringe and wish they had never looked.

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Topics: jeff bullas, blog titles, Inbound Marketing, Content Writing, Hubspot, worst blog title ideas, inbound marketing blog

5 Inspiring Inbound Marketing Blogs You Shouldn't Ignore

Posted by Rachelyn Provencher on Wed, Apr 10, 2013 @ 11:19 AM

If you are an inbound marketer, or work with an inbound marketing agency, then you understand the importance of excellent blogging. Inbound marketing blogs provide high quality content that industry leaders and potential consumers are actually looking for. Sure, a little bit of fluff can be fun, but what we really want to read is awesome content that will actually make us feel a little bit smarter afterward.

While it may seem like we are 24 hour content generating machines, sometimes we just love to indulge in some addictive inbound marketing blogs. In our opinion, the best blogs we read are the ones that make people change the way they think about inbound marketing. All of our favorite inbound marketing bloggers not only inspire us to become better inbound marketers, but challenge us to think outside of that silly proverbial box.

So prepare to be enlightened, challenged and mesmerized by some of our favorite inbound marketing blogs (in no particular order, though we especially favor #1.)

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Topics: jeff bullas, whole brain group, The Sales Lion, content marketing, Inbound Marketing, Hubspot, blogging tips

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