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3 Reliable Methods for Creating and Using Buyer Personas

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Fri, Mar 03, 2017 @ 03:09 PM

In the past, Hubspot has stated that every marketing action you make should be dictated by your buyer personas. We have lots of love for Hubspot and we think this statement is one of the most informed they have made. Valuable content is the foundation for a successful inbound marketing campaign. Content is only valuable if it is useful to somebody.

If you haven’t considered your buyer personas, then how are you going to produce engaging content that is useful to them?

If you aren’t exactly familiar with this term, we will quickly catch you up to speed. By de or even if you are, we'll quickly review what exactly defines a buyer persona.

By definition, buyer personas are fictional characters who represent a brand's ideal customers. It's common for businesses to have more than one ideal customer, and for that customer to change depending on the growth or goals of the business.

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Topics: Lead Generation, responsive web design, marketing action, lifecycle stage, CT Inbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing, website traffic, inbound marketing campaign, marketing campaign, buyer personas

How To Explain Inbound Marketing To The Boss Stuck In The Past

Posted by Kelsey Ringuette on Fri, Oct 28, 2016 @ 11:36 AM

Do you have an old school website that desperately needs an update but your boss just doesn't get it?  With the old school methods working so well in the past your boss may not understand the need to inherit new marketing methods. However, with over 87% of people using the internet as their main source of information and purchases, it's crucial to know how utilize and market your website effectively. If only there was a way to explain how detrimental your website is to your business and how inbound marketing strategies will attract qualified prospects and keep them coming back for more. Here's how you can explain inbound marketing strategies to your boss in a way that he/she can  understand. 

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Topics: CT Inbound Marketing, inbound marketing campaign

5 Tips To Help With Your First Inbound Marketing Campaign

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Feb 03, 2016 @ 03:30 PM

Launching your first inbound marketing campaign can be very exciting and quite the memorable moment. In this post, we will discuss crucial information that you should keep in mind while you assemble the pieces of the inbound marketing puzzle. If you keep these in mind, you will be ahead of the game and ready to rake in results.

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Topics: Inbound Marketing, inbound marketing campaign

4 Tips To Help You Begin Your First CT Inbound Marketing Campaign

Posted by Brandon Choquette on Wed, Mar 04, 2015 @ 02:29 PM

So you are considering beginning an inbound marketing campaign- quite the big decision! Please make sure that you have an actionable plan, as change is often met with skepticism and resistance from bosses. To help you begin your transition towards inbound methodology, we have outlined four steps to get you started.

Patience Is Essential

We know...it can be really difficult to stay patient. If you want to run a successful inbound campaign, you need to understand the importance of patience and in due time, you will be rewarded. Realize this: when you start inbound, results are not immediate. You are educating readers, and transitioning all the work you previously completed and working towards a better future. It's a massive change, but it's for the better, so it is best to embrace it. We like to tell people that it takes about 3 months of blog writing to see a significant increase in website traffic.  Continue that effort for 6 months and website traffic grows faster.  Past 6 months, as you steadily add helpful content to your website, visits from search engines increase because of the volume of content.

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, CT Inbound Marketing, Inbound Marketing, inbound marketing campaign

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