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2020 Guide to Optimal Social Media Ad Sizes

Posted by Liza Cormier on Fri, Apr 24, 2020 @ 08:30 AM

Social media marketing and advertising have been vital tools for businesses of all kinds to increase brand awareness, improve customer loyalty, as well as stimulate sales. There are many ways to go about creating content for social media, but one of the most important aspects of any social media platform is visual content. For businesses, visual components of your content is important in order for your followers to make a connection between an image and your brand. In order to ensure the imaging of your content is scaled correctly, follow this guide to various optimal social media ad sizes. 

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Topics: Social Media Marketing, Social Media Content, Facebook Facts, Facebook Tips

10 Facebook Facts That Demonstrate the Importance of Social Media Marketing in 2020 [Infographic]

Posted by Dean Ravenola on Fri, Jan 24, 2020 @ 01:19 PM

Has your business created a company Facebook page?

Did you invite your employees, customers, and industry partners to like your page?

Have you optimized your Facebook page info?

Are you regularly posting engaging content?

Have you tried promoting your page?

Are you using Facebook Analytics?

If you answered no to any of the questions above, this article is for you! With over 2 billion users on Facebook every day, businesses that do not have an active Facebook presence in 2020 are missing out on a plethora of potential customers and branding opportunities. Even if your company created a Facebook business page, ask yourself: has your page been routinely pumping out compelling content? Or is your Facebook business page just sitting there collecting virtual dust? This is where a social media marketing plan comes in handy. Your social profiles need to do more than just simply exist if you want to see results. Your Facebook company page needs to engage your audience while expanding your network.

Still unconvinced about the benefits of social media marketing on Facebook? Check out the infographic below with 10 facts about Facebook that prove the  importance of social media marketing in 2020.

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Topics: facebook marketing strategy, Facebook for Business, Facebook, Paid Facebook Ads, Facebook Marketing, Facebook for Small Business, Facebook Advertising, Facebook Facts, Facebook Tips

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